07 | royalty

227 23 2

queen clementine: can i ask u something

king louis: go ahead babe

queen clementine: are u really going to send me those tickets??

king louis: clemmy i would never lie to you. of COURSE im going to send them to you.

queen clementine: :))))))))))))))))))))

queen clementine: fun fact ur name in my phone is 'king louis'

king louis: the only person who is royalty in this conversation is u

king louis: youre a queen

queen clementine: shhh we can both be royalty together shhhhh

king louis: uGH

king louis: dont that mean we have to have an arranged marriage and shit

queen clementine: lol i guess

king louis: im a mess i dont deserve to marry a queen

queen clementine: say that one more time and ill cuddle u to death

king louis: im a mess i dont deserve to marry a queen

queen clementine: OOH so u want a cuddle from me dont you daddy?


king louis: I HAVE TO GO BYE CLEMMY 

queen clementine: lmao bye lou thanks again for the tickets :)

clementine has the biggest daddy kink ever

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