wonder bread: how'd the date go?baby clementine: :////
wonder bread: what does that mean???
baby clementine: hes a lil fuckboy
wonder bread: how so???
baby clementine: wELL first off he kept on touching my knee and i felt uncomfortable and he was leaning rly close to me i was just kinda uncomfortable
baby clementine: and then he tried to get in bed with me and kiss me like no thnxs
baby clementine: he kept on kissing my neck and i tried to push him off but i couldnt so i just kicked him where the sun dont shine
baby clementine: aka the bALLS
wonder bread: im sorry :((
baby clementine: naaah its alri i didnt even really like him that much
wonder bread: can i take u on a date???
baby clementine: if u travel all the way to ny from england and isnt a old man then yes u can
wonder bread: >:))))
wonder bread: new york, here i am come
i want to live in new york i'm sad

Fanficlouis tomlinson fanfiction. unknown: LIAM I WILL PERSONALLY BEAT YOUR ASS MYSELF IF YOU DONT GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN PIZZA clementine: new phone who dis © beyoncae. all rights reserved.