clemmy clu: loiuudclemmy clu: plkesse hlep
lewis m8: you okay?? babe tell me whats wrong
clemmy clu: i cntn stop fyckkinh shajjkign
clemmy clu: i thinkg in hasviing a pabsic atyasck
lewis m8: babe i want you to do something for me ok??
lewis m8: i want you tell me why louis makes you so happy
clemmy clu: loudi is suvjh a cating persin
lewis m8: what does he do thats so caring??
clemmy clu: he"lk stivjk uo for the gans no natter what and us alwats gicing ti charities
lewis m8: whats the thing you most love about him
clemmy clu: hes so besutfiul and hid smile is literally thr sun shining and he cns make a rainbow agter a rainy shitty day for mr
clemmy clu: his lvoe for kids and hr is literalky peter pan he nevrr eants to groe old and will forevrr be a five year old stuck inside a twenry tjree year old body
clemmy clu: his laugh is the most precious thing i have evrr heard in ym entire life and his jokes plus sarcasm makrs me laugh even if its just a small laugh
clemmy clu: i love louis tomlinson so much and i just want him to fucking notice me on twitter for once like the fuck at least favourite a tweet u dont even have to follow me
lewis m8: he'll follow you one day
clemmy clu: when im old and wrinkely he will
lewis m8: well whats your @ ???
clemmy clu: cloumentine its clementine and his name mixed into one
lewis m8: thats so cute omf
clemmy clu: pls nWHA RHR SUFKC
clemmy clu: THE FUCK
clemmy clu: HE FOLLOWED ME
clemmy clu: #DONE
why won't louis follow me on twitter

أدب الهواةlouis tomlinson fanfiction. unknown: LIAM I WILL PERSONALLY BEAT YOUR ASS MYSELF IF YOU DONT GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN PIZZA clementine: new phone who dis © beyoncae. all rights reserved.