Traitor Part 2

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Wow James son was beyond handsome. I couldn't take my eyes off him. His dark brown bed hair looked really good. I wish I could run my hands Julia stop checking him out!

Sure he had muscular body that he was trying to hide behind his shirt. He was tall to....I like tall men.. Triston's tall...omg I have to get my hormones under control.

James son who I've come to know named Jabez grabbed my hand and forced me to stand with him.

When he touched me I felt this electric shock run through my body which made him smirk.

That was weird because I get the same feeling when Triston touches me.

I guess he felt it to he looked at James well his dad and said, " I told you she belonged to me."

Here we go again I guess I need to give the speech to let him know I'm not his.

Just when I was about to talk he interrupted me.

"He marked her! He marked what belongs to me?"

I stood there puzzled not knowing what to do. I looked at James he just rolled his eyes.

"Jabez I told you this when it happened. To be honest I thought that this was all a scam and that it wouldn't matter. I didn't think that she could possibly be your mate."

Mate? Me his mate? I laughed on the inside which soon blurted out my mouth.

They both looked at me like I was some crazy mad women.

"May I ask what's so funny about this?"

The way Jabez said that made me stop. The look he was giving me made me tremble a  little.

I cleared my throat and explained myself.

"You see I get this reaction when toothys think they can just take and claim whatever it is that they want. I'm not yours and will never be."

Just like that I was thrown across the room and slammed against the wall. I hate walls now.

"You think just because you have The royal mark that no one else can have you. Well let me burst your ego because by tomorrow you will no longer belong to the prince once I've mated with you. You will have my scent all over you and his mark will be replaced with mine. I'm your mate not that good for nothing lazy prince!"

I was trying to get out of his grasp but he just held on not letting me go. He dragged me roughly out the door through the hallway.

This place reminded me of Triston and as much as I hate to admit I wished I'd never left.


I can believe she's gone. I stood there looking in the cell. My mate is gone. I turned and saw my dads angered expression.

He walked towards me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Son maybe this is for the best you don't need her around. Just think about all the trouble she would of caused had anyone found out that she was your mate."

I looked at him and he had a stoic posture no emotion at all. If there was one I would say it was only hatred and vengeance coming out of his mouth.

I took deep breaths to calm myself from ripping his head off. "I'm going to get her back. No one else can have her."

I know I sounded like a possessive boyfriend. But I won't let this go on.

If people found out that I let some unknown person take what's mine, they won't see me fit to be king.

They'll see me as a weakling and I can't have that. They need a king who is strong and will protect what's his. Not be ran over by someone under him.

I walked back to my room and slammed the door. Who could of done this. I mean I know al lot of supernaturals want her dead but this looked like it was planned.

I need to call James on this one. Maybe he'll have some answers.


"Clean up his mess right now! I swear that boy can't seem to do anything right. I swear if anything traces back to me you'll wish you were never born."

I hung up the phone. I swear he's going to be the death of me one of theses days.

Jabez has never followed the rules. He sees something he likes and thinks he can just have it.

I just had to clean up his mess from when he went hunting last night. Apparently he left the body just hanging in the street for millions to see.

I'm going to have to talk to him about his impulsive decision making.

Ring ring

Who is calling me now? I pulled out my phone from my back pocket to see who's annoying me.

Oh dang! It's I answer? I have to he's my creator well the one who turned me.

I can not not answer him that would make him suspicion of me...

Alright how do I do this? Do I tell him that I have his slave or do I lie and try to make something up. I mean I can't just say hey man how's life yea so I got your girl.

I know that's what he's calling for. I have to think if something quick...

Dang I hate this. The phone is on its last ring. It's now or never. I pick up the phone.



Hello readers it's a wonderful day today so I decided to post this chapter. I really hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry I'm already working on the next chapter and I'm also thinking about starting a new book. Give me your thoughts on it. Should I or should I not.

I really do enjoy writing for you all. Don't forget to fan, like and comment and if you comment I do respond back all the time lol.

As always
Happy reading :)

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