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Jabez POV

"Oh this is great you came just in time, what brings you here?"

Triston looks at the king and then at me, then back to the king.

"I said what the hell is goin on here. Why is Jabez in my home and not lying on the floor dead!"

"Ouch old man that hurts I didn't know you thought of me that way. Seeing as how I am your oldest child." He glares at me I know I hit a nerve there. Triston had to find out sooner than later.

I wonder how long he was planning on hiding this from him.

I mean come on how old is he now? I'm sure he can handle news like this.....


I look to my right and I noticed that Triston isn't standing anymore. Nope he's on top of the king excuse me our dad throwing punches at him. Why can't we as vampires just talk without fighting?

I hear Triston whining now about how come he is just now finding this out? And what kind of father was he for sending one of his children away blah blah blah.

At this point I don't care anymore so I sit down and enjoy the show. Who knows maybe he'll do my job for me and get rid of the king himself for me.

Triston POV

I'm so pissed right now. How dare he hid this from me. I wanted Jabez dead and now that I find out he's my brother something inside of me is stopping me from killing him.

I mean I may want to beat the crap out of him. I haven't forgotten all the havoc he's caused, and Julia she'll be pissed if I killed him now. But that's the problem she thinks she's in love with him but she was forced into loving him.

I finally stop and get of the ground. My dad is beat up bad that's what happens when rage takes over me. I'm blind to my own strength and for some reason I just can't stop. Finally the guards come in ready to fight, but they see it's just me and relax knowing that me dad my dad fight all the time.

But this time while I was fighting him I wanted him dead. I know that's wrong but after all the things he's done I just couldn't help it.

The guards pick up my dad and take him out the room leaving myself and Jabez alone.

I turn my attention to him and he had this amused look on his face.

"I thought you weren't going to stop. Do you two fight a lot?"

"We don't blend well...why didn't you tell me we were brothers? You had century's to tell me. Instead you decided to fight me. Why?"

I couldn't wrap my head around it. Why was it so important to keep his a secret.

He looks at me and sighs.

"Take a seat little brother I might as well tell you the story."

*Jabezs flashback*

"Well we need to make a decision now! Both of them can't stay!"

"Shh...Jonathan will you keep your voice down Jabez might hear you. Don't be so inconsiderate he's just a child."

What are mommy and daddy arguing about now?

"You know what ! I've made my decision he can't stay and you know it.

He will mess up the prophecy so it's better we get rid of him now!"

"What!...wait no! no! Don't Jonathan! Please not my baby! It's not his fault  please please? "

Why is mommy crying?

"Move Kathryn  before you make this harder on yourself. "

"Please don't take Jabez he's just a child...."

"The first born! And you know the prophecy states that he will bring ruin to the world to our kingdom. I can't have our people knowing that we birthed a tragedy into this world."

Wait what's going on does daddy not love me. I'm going to walk in their room and see what's going on.

I don't like to hear mommy cry. I'm going to go give her a hug.

"Mommy what's wrong why are you crying?"

"Jabez? No Jabez you need to run...No Jonathan don't.."

What's going on why is Daddy grabbing me it hurts.

"Son we are going on a little trip okay everything is going to be okay."

"But I don't wanna go I want to stay here with mommy and baby brother.."

"Shut up you will do as your told!"

"Jonathan wait maybe there's another way around this. He's our son. Our son we can't just get rid of him."

"Kathryn  you will learn your place you are making this harder than what it needs to be. Now shut up this must be done. "

"Jonathan please...."


"Kathryn. Shut. Your. Mouth. "

"Dady why did you hit mommy? You're a bad daddy!"

*End of flashback*

Jabez POV

"That's all I remember because after I said that he knocked me out and I woke up in cellar on an island."

I looked up and saw Triston racking his fingers through his hair. Man this must really be to much for him. I feel sorry for him...wait what?

Well it doesn't really matter what I think he needs to know the truth. I'm tired of everyone seeing me as the bad one here.

I already got part of my revenge accomplished. I need to stay focused and not start feeling bad for Triston. He's the one who ruined my life.

"Well I think my time here is done little bro. It was good seeing you again. "

"No wait."

Wait? Why does he want me to wait?

"Stay. Stay here with us you're family this is where you belong. I don't know what this prophecy is about but I'm going to find out and fix this mess our parents started. "
*oh no Jabez staying in the castle after all the mess he did.  I don't know Triston something doesn't feel right. So tell me you guys what do you think is going to happen. And how do you feel bout Jabez now now that you know a little bit more about what happen to him? Let me know your thoughts.

As promised I will share something about myself. I have stated that I am an artist but that's not all. I also love to dance.

Here's a link to one of my videos

Also don't forget to vote vote vote and comment 😊 and shout out to @onepiece29 thanks for you're comments I always look forward to them. 😊Okay I'm done lol as always happy reading ✌🏾️😊

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