Chapter 11

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We got to my house and I was thankful that my parents weren't home because I knew they'd throw some gay slur at me as I walked through the door. When they saw I was holding a man in my arms the teasing would never end, so I was relieved. I laid Scott down on the couch. He was awake but not very coherent at this point. I turned SpongeBob on the TV before heading into the kitchen to get some ice.

Scott POV
I began to get a sense of reality and started realizing what had happened. I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar house. I saw SpongeBob on the TV which led me to assume it was Mitch's house. As I was running through the events of what happened in my head Mitch walked in with a bunch of ice packs. He seemed surprised to see me up and picked up his pace, walking over to sit by where I was laying. "Hey. How do you feel?" He asked as he set his hand softly on my shoulder. I smiled back as best as I could with the pain I was in and lifted my hand up and set it on top of his. "Better because you're here." I laughed at how lame that was to say, even though it was true. "That was the most cliché thing you've ever said. If you weren't in so much pain I would probably shove you." Mitch chuckled and handed me the ice bags. He began to get up again but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "I need cuddles." I said as I pouted up at him. He sighed and smiled, laying down next to me.

Mitch POV
I hadn't heard the front door opening before I realized my parents standing at it, glaring at Scott and I with their jaws dropped. I quickly shot up and Scott did too, wincing as he did so.

Before thinking I grabbed Scott's hand and quickly rushed out the front door that was standing open. I slammed it behind us before running to the car. We got in and I immediately started driving towards Scott's house. When we parked I realized I hadn't talked to Scott yet about the whole scene.

"Sorry." was all I could get out.

"Mitchy, it's okay I understand."

"I know we're not even like.. dating or anything and I don't even think you're gay but my parents just wouldn't buy that and they wouldn't like you simply for that reason and I'm sorry." My eyes were beginning to fill with tears leading me to stare out the window, hoping Scott wouldn't notice them.

"Well they wouldn't be wrong for assuming I'm gay" He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. I looked toward him and furrowed my brows. "I'm not someone who feels like they have to 'come out' or whatever. I didn't come out to my parents, I just told them I was dating a guy and they never questioned it."

I quickly changed the subject, convincing myself that just because he was into boys didn't mean he was into me.

"Can we go inside?"

"Yes, Mitchy." He smiled at me, a full smile this time and I couldn't help but smile back.

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