Chapter 5

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It's a Saturday afternoon, the summers sun is warming up the Earth as I sit in this bright green pasture. All shades of colors adorns this magical place, flowers in full bloom, bees working hard to pollinate, colorful butterflies fluttering around as the horses peacefully graze far in the distance.
I have my sketch book, a pencil, eraser, and sharpener with me as I sit against one of the fences drawing the landscape in front of me. As I'm drawing I notice how peaceful it is in here. Closing my eyes for a brief moment I take in all the sounds and smells of summer.
'Only two more weeks of this until I go back to school.' I think and sigh.
I continue my drawing and think about the new year ahead of me. Back to school means homework, teachers, school work, tests, studying, and worst of all, actually having to TALK to other people. Now don't get me wrong, I like talking to people! Just not the idiots at school, jocks that are just plain morons, bratty rich girls who think that they are superstars, nerds like me, introverts, extroverts, study freaks, ughhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I'm so not ready for this school year. It'll be my second year of high school, so I've already had to deal with these stereotypes for one whole year already.
I must've lost track of time, because when I'm done with my drawing it's almost dusk. Moms probably waiting for me back at the house. I pack up my stuff, say goodbye to Domi and Alex, and start to walk back to the house.
Once I arrive back at the house I am greeted by my mom.

"Hey honey. What'd you draw?" She asks and starts to serve dinner.

"Oh, just Domi and Alex grazing." I smile and set my stuff down on the counter. "Mmm, food looks good mom."

"It's a new recipe, so we'll be trying it out for the first time tonight." She says proudly as I grab our drinks and napkins.

"What is it?" I ask and we both sit down.

"Chicken ceaser salad with bits of bacon." She smiles and digs in.

I start eating as well. "Wow!!! Mom this is super good!!" I say with food in my mouth.

Mom laughs and nods. "I agree. It's better then I though it was going to be."

After a few minutes mom perks up a little more.

"Hey, Sky I've got some good news!" She says excited.

I look up from my food and smile. "What is it?"

"I was on the phone with a lady by the name of Aubrey. She said that she knows you and you suggested the barn to her." Mom says and I think for a moment.

"Oh yeah!! She's the owner of that little fresh fruit stand down at the market. She was talking to me about horsey related things." I smile.

"Ah so that's how you know her? Well she said that her son and her would be coming by Monday to do a test ride. Apparently her son wants to start riding, but only in private lessons for now."

"Whoa really?! That's awesome!! What was her sons name?" I ask and finish my food.

"She didn't give me her sons name, it's under Aubrey. I was hoping that Emma and you could show them around and do the test ride? Oh and maybe after a small trail ride? Not gallop lane though, I know you girls like to race down there but I'm not trying to have a potential new rider get killed because you want to have some speedy fun." She explains and takes our dishes.

"Hahahahaha!!! Why would I do such a thing?!" I laugh and she has a serious look on her face. "I'm just joking! We won't go down gallop lane, and I'd be more then happy to show them around and do the test ride. Emma will defiantly be there too. Who are you wanting him to ride?"

"Well, that's up to you." Mom turns around and looks at me. "I mean your the horse expert over here. You know the horses better then I do. You should talk to Emma tomorrow about this. She might have an idea of what horse to use."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll ask her tomorrow. Anyway, I'm going to go to my room." I get up and start climbing the stairs.

"Don't stay up to late Sky!!" Mom calls after me.

"I won't!!" I laugh and pull out my laptop. I log on, and instantly go to YouTube. Tonight I'm having an anime mini marathon!!! Tonight's anime will be...... Love Stage!!!!

I just hope I don't stay up to late.

However, when I finally go to bed, the clock reads.... 4:50am.

Well..... I'm screwed.

Hello all my lovely Poptarts!!!
Sorry that this chapter is a bit short. Next chapter is going to be a make up for this one. :)
Also, yes Love Stage is an anime. And if you're into Yaoi I HIGHLY recommend this anime, it's super kawaii. ;)
That's all for now, Poptart out!!

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