Chapter 10

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I hear the familiar buzzing alarm of my phone, and I'm hesitant to pick it up.

'Today's the day.' I say mentally, frowning as I force myself to sit upwards.

Quickly I grab my phone and turn it off, already worn out. I stretch and stumble clumsily out of bed towards my closet. Once there I grab a t-shirt, Capri pants and make my way to the bathroom. It only takes 30 minutes for me to be ready, and before I know it I'm downstairs making myself a bowl of cereal.

As I eat I check the time, 6:47. School starts at 7:30, and it takes about 15 minutes to get there. I eat in silence as I check my social media. Normally my mother was awake and would make me breakfast, but earlier this morning she left to meet a potential new rider. Why she decided to leave the house for it, I'm not sure.

After I'm done I quickly put my dishes in the sink and grab my bag that had been placed on the table the night before. With a sigh I head out the door and walk outside. The morning air nipped at my face, and I took a deep breath. The first week wouldn't be that bad, so let's do this.

I briskly walk to my car and plop into the drivers seat. Quickly I start the car and drive towards my nightmare.

It was 7:16 when I arrived, and I could already see many students gathered in groups by the entrance of the school. I parked and sat in my car for a moment before getting out and staring. In my pocket was a copy of my schedule, but I already knew where I was headed. I blinked myself out of a daze and started walking towards the main doors. I didn't mind all the people, they honestly didn't bother me that much. I'd never been badly bullied before, and even if I had what they had said to me never affected me. I stand by my beliefs, and won't let anyone try to tell me who I am or who they think I am. As I walk a few acquaintances of mine say hello, or 'how are you,' the same old. I reply cheerily, as I do enjoy their happy demeanor.

Soon I had found myself in my first period, math. I mentally groaned as I sat in the back corner next to a window. A few other students had already arrived and were chatting. As the bell chimed 7:25, a warning for everyone to get to class, more students started to file in. I didn't take any notice to anyone that walked in, frankly I couldn't care less. When the final bell rang the teacher smiled and started to speak.

"Hello class! Welcome back from summer vacation, I'm sure you all had a great time. I'm Mrs. Wallace, nice to meet you all. Today we'll be doing a small introductory assignment, for you all to get to know your peers and so I can learn a little about all of you."

I sighed, my eyes briefly scanning the classroom.

"The instructions for the assignment are up on the board, if you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask. I see a few familiar faces in here, so I hope we have a great year!" She finished and started to take roll.

After saying 'here,' I read the board and began working.  The familiar yet unfamiliar chatter of the classroom already getting on my nerves. The assignment wasn't hard, just a few questions about what we would like to accomplish this year and a few stray ones about what we did over the summer. Suddenly the classroom went silent, and I didn't bother to look up, since the silence was nice. However when I heard a few girls next to me start whispering, I looked up and laid eyes upon a familiar brown haired, green eyed jock. I laughed to myself as he fumbled with the schedule in his hands and nervously walked up to the teachers desk. Before long I turned my attention back to my work and finished within the next few minutes.

Taking a moment to myself I looked around the classroom for the boy who'd arrived late to class, to my surprise I didn't find him until I looked to the no longer empty desk next to me. Internally I groaned, but outwardly I just turned myself forward and re-read the board.

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