Chapter 1

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Skylin's P.O.V

Hi, I'm Skylin Haydenson.
I enjoy riding horses, reading, drawing, and watching YouTubers and anime.
Not your typical 'country girl' and I'm perfectly fine with that!
One month left. One more month of the hot sunny days. One more month of homework free days. One more month of complete peace for drawing and reading. One more month before every teenagers nightmare comes back.

Though, it's not all bad for me.

In September I have a horse show, and then it the off season. Then it starts to suck.

"Skylin!!! Go take care of your horse!! He's going to die if you just sit there on the internet all day!!" Mom yells from the kitchen.
I laugh. She just doesn't get it. I get up and turn off my laptop that I've been using all day.
"Mom, Domi is fine. I go see him everyday and ride him almost everyday. Actually, he is in a diet remember? You're just paranoid." I smile and hug her. "What'cha making?"
I see her smile as she kisses my cheek. "Okay, okay, but you really shouldn't be on that laptop so much. Kids and the Internet these days." I sit on the counter and watch mom grab flour, and sugar.
"Mom, what're you making?" I ask again.
"Cherry pie." She says and smiles at me.
"Oh my favorite!!!!" I squeal and smile ear to ear.
"Haha, I know. But I need more cherries, so would you, being the amazing daughter you are, go pick some up for me?" She smiles ever so sweetly and I let out a giant sigh.
"But mooooooom!!!!" I start.
"Do you want pie or not?" She starts mixing the dry ingredients and I decide that having pie is worth going to the store to get cherries.
"Okay, but can I ride Domi? You know the store clerks won't care." I smile a cheesy smile and she looks at me.
"Fine. Just hurry back." I smile and hug her again before running out of the house and towards the big maroon barn.
Once inside the barn I hear the nickers and whinnies of horses. I take a deep breath, which fills my nostrils with the scent of horses and... Horse poop. Ah the joys of living at a horse farm.
I walk towards the tack room and on the way, greet the stable hand.
"Hey Emma!" I smile and wave to her.
"Hey Sky! What're you planning to do today?" She asks with a equally joyous smile.
"Actually I have to run to the store. Could you go grab Domi for me?"
"Oh yeah! You want me to bring him to the cross ties?" She puts down the pitch fork she was using to muck out stalls.
"Yes please." I walk into the tack room and grab my English saddle, and a normal riding bridle. I carry all my things to the cross ties and go grab a my tack box from inside the tack room. Once I'm back at the cross ties, I see that Emma has already got Domi all tied up. Once he sees me he tossed his head and whinnies loudly.
"Hey boy, did ya miss me?" I say and pet his head. "Thanks Em." I smile and she nods before walking away.
"Looks like we get to go to the store today bud." I kiss his cheek and start brushing him. Domi is what we call him around the barn, but Domi is just short for Domino. His show name is All At Once.
I finish tacking up Domi and lead him outside.
"Ready boy?" I ask and pet his forehead again. He nuzzles my hand and I hop on him.
"Wait, Sky!!" Emma comes running up to me.
"Yeah?" I say and turn to her.
"Here, you forgot your bag."
"Oh, thanks Em! Your a lifesaver." I grab my bag and sling it around my shoulders.
"I know." She flips her hair sassily and I laugh.
"Hey when I get back let's do a bit of dressage huh?" I say and Domi starts walking.
"Sounds good!" She thumbs up before walking back into the barn.

Hello everyone!!!
Poptart here, I hope you like my new story!! I'm quite excited about this one and don't worry, my other story 'His Not So Bad Girl' is still getting worked on. 😄 Your feedback is always welcome! Feel free to drop a comment and tell me what you think of this story!
I hope you all enjoy the story.
Poptart out. ❤️

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