blonde jokes

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Happy: guys it's Lushee's turn for a joke!

Lucy: thank you Happy!

Happy: I bet it's going to be a blonde joke!

Natsu blinked in confusion: a... blonde joke?

Erza: it's about how stupid blondes are

Gray: and pinkett's, they just didn't expect them to be THIS stupid

Lucy: I'm actually smarter than some of you!

Natsu: really like who?

Everyone looked at him.

Lucy: what's 1+1=?

Natsu: that's easy! It's window!

Gray: I guess your right Lucy!

Erza: she's not right. It really is window

Lucy and Gray looked at each other before sighing.

Gray: what's your blonde joke?

Lucy: it's not a blonde joke!

Happy: it's being told by a blonde

Lucy: I GIVE UP!

Happy: I know! We're just to smart for you! So, Gray! How do you get a Natsu out of a tree?

Gray smirked: throw rocks?

Happy: close! You wave!

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