Will Bree wake up?

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Adam: Chase, get Mr. Davenport and hurry.
Chase: On it.
So Chase ran out to get Mr. Davenport and Adam stayed with Bree.
Adam: Come on Bree, you have to wake up. You're my best friend. I love you so please don't die on me.
Tears spill out of his eyes, just as Mr. Davenport and Chase walked in.
Mr. Davenport: Chase told me everything. Now I have to get Bree to my secret bionic hospital or it'll be too late. Adam carry her to the car, you're coming with us and Chase you stay here.
Then quickly they left.
When they got to the hospital, Mr. Davenport put her in a bed and Adam got a doctor. Mr. Davenport explained everything to the doctor. The doctor hooked her up to fluids and checked her chip.
Doctor: She's in a coma.
Adam once again, grabbed her hand and prayed out loud.
Doctor: We don't know when she'll wake up or if she'll even live through it.

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