Chapter 4 - Time To Go Back To Hell! ... Some People Call It School...

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As Sash and I entered into school, we saw and her crew - Tara, Eliza and Sarah. All fakes. They all have dyed blonde hair, fake boobs and they are all wearing their cheerleading outfits. Ever since we started Creekshaw, Sash and I never really get along with Chelsea and her minions. Well 'get along' is an understatement. In fact, we despised each other. You see, Chelsea, Sash and I were all really good friends when we were little. Then we hit high school. All of a sudden Chelsea wanted to be popular, so deserted Sash and I. And well that's what she got. Popularity. However, she gained popularity by being an outright bitch. Therefore whenever Sash and I now see her we just have to take the mick... and that's exactly what we did.

"Oooh look at my nails! Aren't they just totally fake! Oh, and look my hair, it's totally lush right? Uh! I mean you know right, if you like extensions and dye!" I said in a high pitched, squeaky voice, looking over at Chelsea.

"Oooh look at me, I'm Jessica Channing and I can't get a guy to stay within 5 feet of me without cheating, 'cause I'm insecure and totally unattractive." Chelsea retorted with a sneer.

Ouch. That comment about Ben hurt, but I'm nearly over that asshole so I faked a gasp. "I never knew you new such big words Chelsea! Insecure, that's such a step up from how you usually speak" I said with mock astonishment and pretend to wipe a tear away from my eye.

"Yeah well, just because I'm hot doesn't mean I can't be clever. Unfortunately for some people they are neither" Chelsea said with a smirk, whilst flipping her hair, looking directly looking at me.

"Bitch please. I'm perfect." I said with a wink. Then I flicked my hair and stalked off with Sash, swaying my hips. I could feel the girls burning a hole through my back as I walked away. As soon as we rounded the corner, we looked at each other and started to giggle.

"Nice one!" Sash exclaimed, holding up her fist, which I gladly pounded in triumph.

"Did you see her face it was totally priceless!"

"OMG she was fuming!"

Continuing to chuckle, I thought about how this was a good way to start the new year. We continued laughing on our way to dreaded class. As we entered the room, Mr McKinley glared at us because we were late.

"Just take a seat you two" Mr McKinley said in an annoyed tone.

I scanned the classroom, there were three empty seats left - two of them right next to each other and one across the other side of the room. Sash and I headed directly for the ones right next to each other.

"Away from each other" Mr McKinley instructed as we were just about to sit down.

Sighing in annoyance, Sash picked up her things and headed to the other spare seat - across the other side of the classroom. Mr McKinley kind of hates Sash and I ever since we threw water balloons at him in class... I mean seriously? Can't he take a joke? Plus what did he expect us to do after he set us that ridiculous assignment! Be nice and actually do the work? Please.

Mr McKinley rose up from his desk and headed towards the blackboard to start the lesson. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the door was flung right open, and a tall, brown haired boy with blue-green eyes walked in. I will admit that this boy was really good looking. His t-shirt clung flawlessly to his perfectly sculpted body. All the girls in the class turned to stare at him. I swear I could see some of them drooling over him.

Mr McKinley turned to him and said, "Ah, you must be our new student - Richard Hampton."

The brown hair boy looked directly back at him, "I prefer " He simply stated.

"Alright then Ricky, would you like to take a seat?" Mr McKinley said.

"Not really" Ricky retorted.

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