Chapter 1 - Dare for a dare. Override day it is.

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#Nearly 1 Year Later#

It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was up, and there was a gentle breeze drifting through the air. It had nearly been a year since my accident and my memory still hadn't returned. My injuries had all but gone, thank god; apart from the memory loss, I was fine. Ben and I were still going strong, even though he can be distant sometimes, anyone would think that we'll be getting married at the rate we are going! Sash is doing just great, her and I entering all the track events we could (once I was healed), and winning all of them - well drawing since we could never beat each other. Dad and Jake were still being there usual idiotic selves - arguing over the hair gel. It was only last week when Sash was over that they got in an argument over who used it last...

Sash, Dad, Jake and I were all going out for the day; Sash had just arrived at mine, and whilst we were waiting for the boys to make their appearance, we suddenly heard this shouting(more like girlish screaming)  coming from upstairs. Then Dad emerged with an empty hair gel container in his hand and Jake came running in after him.

Jake was screaming at him saying "I didn't use the hair gel up! You must of!"

With Dad shouting back "I didn't either! I am fed up of trying to use the flipping hair gel, only to discover that SOMEONE forgot to replace it!"

This argument continued for about ten minutes, with Sash and I just watching in amusement, before it started to get out of hand (and when I say 'out of hand' I mean they started to throw things at each other) and Sash and I had to break it up.

Today Jake and I had decided to do a little 'brother-sister bonding'. Now whilst most people would think 'awe how sweet of them to get on so well and enjoy spending time with each other', that is NOTHING like how our brother-sister bonding days turn out. You see Jake and I love to spend our 'precious' day together, trying to test each other to the limits. We push each other to the breaking point. This is our dare day. Or as we like to call it... Override.

The rules of Override day are simple:

1.       Anything legal is allowed. You forfeit that game if you give an illegal dare.

2.       You take the dares in turns. One person dares the other first, then after they have completed the dare, that person dares them back.

3.       Winner of the last round dares first.

4.       If you refuse a dare, or cannot complete a dare, then you lose.

5.       You can not repeat a dare.

Jake and I have an Override day once a month, every month. At the end of the year whoever has won the most games that year, is that year's champion (they basically get bragging rights), and the loser is that person's slave for a day. If at the end of the year, there is a draw between the amount of games won, you go into a sudden death round. This is basically another Override day, except Sash is the one who gives us our dares *gulp*. Sash is the queen of dares and revenge, so basically we put ourselves through hell when that happens.

We have been having Override days since I was 12, and since then we have both won two years each: Jake 2010 and 2013, me 2011 and 2012. However we have only ever had one sudden death round, and that was last year (2013). I lost, Sash is really evil. At the current standings this year (6 - 5 to Jake), and about to have our last Override day of the year, it looks like we may have  another sudden death round on our hands... and trust me, there is no way in hell that I am losing this year.

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