Chapter 4 - OMG

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After 10 minutes it knocked on my door. "It's open." I say. When the door open i see Cameron. "Hey." He says nice. "Hey." I try to say back. Because i don't have that much voice of all that screaming. "Are you okay?" He asks me and sit down on the floor with me. "I don't know." I say, and i felt a tear down my cheek.

Suddenly out of no where i felt some lips on my lips. It was Cameron. He took his hand to my cheek and holds it there. I can feel him smiling, and that made me smile. When i leaned out of the kiss Cameron just looked me in the eyes. "What a beautiful human being." He said quietly. "Really? Me beautfiul?" I said surprised. "Did i say that out loud?" He asked awkward. I just smiled and nodded. "And ofc you are the most beautfiul girl i have ever seen!" He said with a an energic voice. It made me smile.

He still had his hand on my cheek, but not that long. Because suddenly Nash storms in the room. Cameron took his hand away quickly. "Your douche!" I yell to Nash while i try to stand up. "What have i done!" He ask surprised and kinda angry. "Ugh nothing." I try to say so he can't hear me. "I just came to say that the pizza is here." He says behind me before I'm getting out of the door. I turn quickly around. "PIZZA!" I shouted as loud as possible. I ran down the stairs and looked for the pizza.

When we where done eating the pizza, we just sat on our phones. And Hamilton is with us to. When i was trying to watch Cameron's snap story someones's call me! OH MY GOSH! "YAAAAAASSS!" I shout. "OMG IS IT HIM!" Hamilton yell. Because she know alway who I'm talking about. It's kinda creepy tho. I nodded so much that i got a head ache. "ANSWER!" She yells at me. "Okay!" I yell to her back. The guys just looked confused at us.

I went to the kitchen and answered.

A-OMG i have missed to hear your voice soooo much!

M-Missed you to my Cake!

A-Haha OMG i totally forgot that nickname! But remember your always my dinosaur!

M-Have you moved?

A-Yeah. How do you know that?

M-Your parents told me.

A-Wait? Wut? My parents? Why?



I shouted so loud that Nash told me to SHUT up.

M-Hahah MAYBE.

A-Please say YES! Because i really want to see you again! I haven't seen you like 3 years or something.

M-actually it's just 1 year.

A-Wait? Wut? really?

M-haha YES. But talk to you later. Gotta go.

A-bye love you!

M-Bye love you to Cake!

And then he hung up.

So i went back to the living room, and everyone in the room just starred at me. "What?" I said like a innocent girl. "Who was it?" Cam and Nash asks at the same time. "It's a secret can you keep it swear this one you save. Better lock it in your pocket taking this one to your grave." I start to sing. Hamilton startes singing with me, and the guys just looked like question marks. "It's from Pretty Little Liars." Me and Hamilton said sassy. "Pretty little what?" Nash said confused. "WE ARE SO GOING TO HAVE A MARATHON TONIGHT!" Hamilton shouted.

When we turned the first episode on, Cameron come closer to me and took his arm around me. I saw in my eye corner that Nash looked a little bit jealous. Weird.

When the episode was finished it knocked on the door. "I'll get it!" I shouted and jumped out of Cameron's arm and ran to the door. When i open the door i see......


Who do you think she see in the door?
Sorry for not posting in a loooooooong time!❤️
I will try to post so much as possible, but school have started. But i will continue! Promise!❤️

Love ya! ❤️

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