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I bounce my foot sometimes making it hit my desk. The time is ticking while the teacher blabbers about non sense I don't know why he keeps teaching if today was the last day of school. I tap my fingers against the table impaitintly, I just wanna leave already.


Finally, a sigh leaves my mouth as I get up and walk out of school.
Thank god its all over. I walk out the school and head to my car, I got in and drove to my house.
At the house

I close the door about to head up to my room when I hear my mom talking on the phone I go to the kitchen to see my mom leaning on the counter.
"Yes, yes of course I'll take her there my self...... OK thank you"

She hangs up and looks over at me a glaring.
"You barged out of your therapist office and haven't been going, how many therapists has that been you can't be doing that they are trying to help you"
"I never asked for help" I snapped at her"
"Don't speak like that to me"
"Have you been taking your meds?"
She asked

I rolled my eyes "yes I have, are we done here?"
"No we are going to your therapist's office again come on let's go"

She said and grabbed her keys walking out the kitchen I stand there shocked no shes not. Shes standing by the door and nods her head towards the door. I regain my composture and narrow my eyes towards her, she stands there looking at me ugh she's not backing down. OK two can play this game bring it on mom.

I walk past her and get in the car waiting for her, she comes in and we are off.
"Promise me you will talk and stay in the room till its over ok"
"Yeah just how you promised you would get my sister back yeah whatever" I scoffed and looked out the window.

"Bryleen your father has custody over her, I barely got custody over you there was no chance I could get her back"
"Wow that's what you have to say, you didn't even try just left it that way, what kind of mother are you ??"
"He had custody over her"
She said as she parked her car.
"Yeah if only he got custody over me what a shame huh" I said and got out of the car with her calling my name.


"Bryleen??" The receptionist called
I get up and follow her. She takes me to Beth's office opens the door and let's me in.
I walk in and see beth she smiles brightly towards me and I smile back.
So I figured it out I'm gonna act like its all ok and nothings wrong so I don't have to go to therapy anymore.

"Hi beth hows your day"
She smiles even brighter. Oh god barf.
"Its been well Bryn better now that your here, how bought yours??"
"Its been good" I nod
"Really ??" She leens closer and brings her elbows on her knees, observing me.
I leen closer to "yeah just great" she on to me crap, but I'm not gonna give up.

"I've been thinking and I figured that I'm actually really worrying my mom. Shes become really scared about me so I caved in. I've been facking it this whole time and don't really need any help so yeah now you know"
I smiled, she narrowed her eyes.
"I knew it"
My face was about to fall but I kept my composure, wow she was so close I might have let her help me.
"Yeah sorry for causing trouble and wasting your time"
"Oh no its fine I got paid anyways and I kinda guessed all you wanted was attention. And that stupid sob story about how someone abused you hahah we all know that the people that it happens to they asked for it. That's why nobody cares or does anything about it its all worthless-"

I cut her off before she could say more I don't know what happened but something in me snapped I totally lost it. I slapped her and pined her against her chair.
Her face fell she looked like she felt bad but I could care less.
I leaned close to her and said
"You were so close. But now I know you and just like the others don't care just as long as you get your money you 'want to help' and by the way I'm not coming back"

I was gonna leave when she spoke.
"You can't fool me. I know you need help you see how easy it was to get into your head. Look I'm sorry about what I said I just said it to get a reaction out of you so that you let me help you because I can I can help you if you let me"
I was so confused then I got it f*ck she got me she got me good.
"Your good wow I actually believed you"
"Yeah but I'm really sorry I went to far well our time is over. Look I tried to help you but if you keep pushing me away then I can't help you. It shouldn't be your mom making you come here, you have to want to be here ok"
"Yeah I'll think about"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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