Chapter Twelve: Sunday

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It's been a wild month!

It was a warm, sunny day. The last day of the summer before school starts. Michael has been having a hard time juggling summer work, trips to the studio, AND a newborn. They found another note in the stroller Amina showed up in that included her date of birth and her allergies...she had alot of them too. She also was a few weeks early, so, she wasn't in the best shape. Breathing machines, a crib, clothes and diapers as damn near taken over his room. Michael had to sneak her to doctor appointments every week because he didn't want the media to become aware of his least not now. He can only hide for so long before a photographer catches him anyway...

Jubalee has been one of his biggest supporters since all this went down. She would often watch Amina while he would go to the studio, and she taught him how to change diapers, distribute medicine, and different ways to stop Amina from crying. Because she was sick and would be in a little pain, she would become fussy and irritable. Jubalee basically became the main woman in Amina's life...almost like her mother. It broke Michael's heart to watch a child so through so much...especially his child, whom is barely a month old yet. Jubalee knew this, so, she would ofter call to check in on him and would always visit. She still can't believe he has a child, but, after seeing him after his father instincts kicked in, she grew to like and respect him even more. She vowed to never tell him her feelings because she was scared that he would reject her. Little did she know, Michael felt the SAME exact way. But, he never said that he wouldn't ask her out one day...

Bernice still isn't over the loss of her father. As a matter of fact, she's gone a bit...crazy. Black lipstick.Black clothes. Black car. Black everything! She claims that she has everything black because she likes things that "Matches her soul." Wrist cutting had become almost like a chore. Jubalee found her unconscious in the shower from blood loss once and immediately called for help. After a short stay in the hospital, B has become clingy to both Jermaine...and Kameron. She can't decide who she wants or who she needs. The both show her the same amount of affection and they both kiss her scars and tell her everything is gonna be okay. However, she is closer to Jermaine but only because his gender is the only gender she is used to. She has grown to hate not only herself, but her family because once they learned of how much estate she gained from her father, they fight over who she should be with. She refuses to leave Jubalee because she knows once someone in her family gets their hands on that estate, they aren't gonna give a damn about her OR her future...even though it seems dim...

"Amina! Oooh babygirl! Daddy's sorry, I know, I know..." Michael sighed as he gave her one of her shots. She was screaming at the top of her lungs! He wiped away her tears and picked her up. He smiled at her cute little pout as he laid on the bed with her. He stared down into her big, brown eyes and she stopped crying, hypnotized by his long, dark curls that hung down near her face. Even though she had no Idea what she was looking at,it really had her attention! "You like Daddy's hair, don't you?" He smirked and shook his head a bit making his curls sway side to side, tickling her little nose, causing her to make a face.Michael laughed at her expression. She slowly reached up and her little fingers got tangled, causing Michael to hiss in pain. "Ow Amina!" He giggled and pulled her hand away. She started whimpering like she was about to start crying again. "Really?" He giggled. He gave in and let her back at his hair. He noticed her breathing started to get raspy and she was starting to gasp. He knew it was then time for her breathing treatment. He put her in her little crib and pulled the machine to her. Amina held his pinky while he took his free hand and placed the mask on her face and set the machine to 30 minutes. He stood there and let her hold his finger as he sung to her.

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