Chapter-Twenty Nine: Paco De Nero(Filler)

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"Jermaine! Can you come here please?!" Bernice called from upstairs. "Coming babe!" Jermaine yelled from the living room. "Does she ever actually want something?" Chris asked, playing with Royalty. Jermaine, Chris, Jubalee, Michael, and Janet were all over at Jubalee's house for the hell of it. Thanksgiving was over, but school was still out. Mother Katherine, Amina and the rest of Michael's sisters were out, except Janet. Michael's brothers were with their girlfriends. Jubalee's parents were away on business. Mrs.Mejia vowed not to stop working up until her last trimester. She was handling pregnancy number 3 pretty well but, Bernice on the other hand...not so much. She was learning the hard way that morning sickness wasn't just scheduled in the morning time, but whenever! 

"Man, we are whipped! Look at us! Bending over backwards for these girls!" Michael giggled softly, running his fingers through Jubalee's hair, who was asleep in his lap. "I mean, I don't mind. I think B is adorable when she constantly wants my attention. And no Chris...she's just clingy like that." Jermaine shrugged and stood up. Michael laughed and shook his head. "True story..." He said, checking his phone. Jubalee growled and he playfully rolled his eyes. "I'll start back in a second!...damn!" Jermaine laughed at Michael and shook his head. For everyone who knew Michael, his relationship with Jubalee was a complete shock! Michael was never the dating type. He had girlfriends before, but he was never loyal. Sex with his "Hoes" was constant and because of this, Amina was brought into the world. Before Jubalee, Michael never said 'I love you' to a girl and MEANT IT! She changed him, and everyone sees it. As Michael held Jubalee, Jermaine ran upstairs to check on Bernice...

she was not happy either.

"Did you fucking die?! I called you 10 gotdamn minutes ago J! I WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE DAMN THROAT!" She fussed at him Jermaine didn't say a word. He just giggled quietly to himself and listened to her rant and rave. That's the best thing to do when she's like that..."Am I annoying you? I'm so sorry..." She cried randomly, holding her teddy bear. "Oh Bernice, come on! Don't cry, I'm sorry ma. I got side tracked.It's okay" Jermaine smiled. He picked her up and kissed her repeatedly. "You know, when I get further along, you won't be able to pick me up anymore, right?" Bernice sighed. "...I don't even know how you can pick me up now!" She blushed, feeling her insecurities of being a bit chubby rise within her. "You're really not that heavy B, quick playin' yourself like that." Jermaine scoffed. He HATED when Bernice would talk negatively about herself, because he could never see the flaws that she saw herself. She looked away from him avoiding contact. 

"Jermaine, cut the shit, ight? You're clearly tired of dealing with me like can leave me if you want to." She mumbled, pissing Jermaine off. "Bernice, look at me...right now" Jermaine said sternly. Bernice, being stubborn as usual didn't look at him. Instead she scoffed and rolled her eyes. "...I wasn't asking..." He said. Jermaine was LITERALLY the only person who could straighten Bernice out. She looked into Jermaine's eyes and sighed. "Good girl. Now, like I was trying to say...cut it out. Please. It KILLS me when you constantly try to push me away like this! If there's something wrong with you, obviously it doesn't bother me because I'm still here, and I still love you unconditionally! Now, do us both a favor and get rid of the attitude too? I understand the mood swings, but this attitude is all YOU! Now, I want a brand new Bernice from this day forward, do you fucking hear me?" Bernice groaned and replied "Whatever". "What was that?" Jermaine asked, clearly not satisfied. "Okay Jermaine." He smiled and covered her with kisses.

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