Chapter III: Kry

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There! Clare was up ahead! But then- no, was it really Clare? She was looking away from him, now at him. No- it was just the back of her head. I was running towards her at full speed, but she didn't seem to get closer. Then suddenly I was only a few yards away. She started to turn towards me, I held out my arms ready to receive her. Then a quick movement in the woods next ti the path alerted her. Woods? Where had they come from? I could have sworn- A figure burst from the woods. It had chain-mail armor, a familiar helmet, short sword and buckler. The all to familiar hammer over a mountain was emblazoned on his chest and shield. I shouted a warning to Clare, telling her to run- but nothing came out. What was this? Even so the man looked me directly in the eyes, and... he didn't have a face. My silent screams shook the night.

"It was a dream, just a dream," I told myself over and over. Even so I could not escape the feeling of dread that had landed in my stomach. Was Clare okay? Was this a premonition? Then I remembered that faceless man and all thoughts immediately vacated my mind. The man did not need a face to indicate a clear message. He was haunting me. Or rather they were haunting me. The faces of the men I had killed- they were forever seared into my mind. I realized I had been trying to out run the memories of them, as much as I was trying to find Clare. I wondered how many more men I would have to kill before this was all over. It was a dangerous world, and the added threat of the "hammer" soldiers did not help.

I rose stiffly from my place from my "bed" It was really just a nest made from the long grass that grew on this side of the mountain. I had started the decent yesterday, and had already made it out of the god forsaken snow drifts. It was chilly- no- freezing. My canteen water was frozen solid. I strapped my sword onto my back as I had done every morning for a month. There were several things that I wished to do, but doing them would be difficult. For one, I wanted to get a diary. Not like the diaries you think of, making silly entries about your crush or school test. No, I wanted a journal, something to record my life in.


Wait! I hear you cry. "Aren't you already writing this down- in the future- future past- present- crud my brain broke" and so I respond. Different books silly! I wrote parts of this book from my many journals. Spoiler, my most recent was a flop, it got eaten by a dragon....

P.S. Just read hitchhikers guide to the galaxy- its a really funny well written book- one of my favorites in fact- plus it tells you all about time travel, including the grammar involved with time travel- just do it, like seriously, put this book down and go read it.


But first, I needed to find a town. I needed to get better supplies, more food, and if I was lucky a journal. But first I needed to find a town. And to find a town I needed to find a road. And to find a road I needed to walk, a lot. So nothing actually changed. I continued on as I had been. I realized sometime around midday that I had been walking in some sort of trance. After finding it was too difficult to push the dream from my head, I decided to push every thing out of my mind. Soon my mind was a blank. I had a strange ability to completely blank out. Walking became automatic, and the time flew by so fast I did not notice the sun moving. I didn't eat anything, until it became dark and I came back to reality. Looking around I saw I was on flat ground in a thickly wooded valley. I could see low mountains towering above me on my left and right. I decided this was a good place to make camp, and got out my flint to make a fire. I scavenged around for food. I came up with wild potatoes and some hot root. Hot root is, actually I don't know what plant it is, I just know its really spicy. I made a stew out of what I had found, some celery I had found a few days ago, and the last of my bread. "Shoot! Now I really need to get to a town." The meal was hardy and good. I laid down on a thicker patch of grass, and fell asleep.

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