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Michael then went up to Calum. "Heya Cal. Long time no see." He said, trying to divert Calum's attention from Ashton. "Michael, we talked yesterday." Calum said and facepalmed. "I just miss my Asian guy." He grabbed him and took him to another booth "For the last god damn Michael. I'm not fucking Asain." He yelled in his ear and Michael dragged Calum away.


He and Luke were left completely alone, looking at each other across the booths. Luke got up and started walking away. "Oh great, everything is awkward now. Kill me." Ashton thought to himself. He facepalmed and buried his hands in his face. Without him noticing, Luke came back with a basket of breadsticks. He kept his face buried in his hands. "Hungry? I got some more breadsticks." Luke said and sat next to Ashton. He looked up and immediately went a bright pink. "H-Hi" He said softly and nodded for the breadsticks. He took one and nibbled it slightly. "I've heard from Michael, you're Ashton?" Luke said casually but on the inside he was screaming in happiness. Finally he could talk to Ashton. He nodded and smiled, handing Luke a breadstick.

"W-why would you come and talk to me?" Ashton asked "You seem nice and sweet and Michael says that's all true." Ashton tried to suppress a giggle but couldn't. Luke smiled and looked at Ashton "That's was really cute." He later realized what he said, blushing and covered his face. Ashton went pinker and looked up at Luke. He removed his fingers from his face and smiled "N-no need to be embarrassed. I-I think you're cute too."

The two smiled and talked. Laughing, giggling, and happily eating breadsticks. Calum and Michael watched from afar but Luke and Ashton didn't mind,they were happy to be talking to each other.

After a while, Ashton started asking Luke questions. Looking for the slight chance Luke would actually be interested in him. "So how do you feel about gay people?" He asked, hoping Luke wouldn't suspect him of being gay. Luke looked at Ashton. Did he let him know too much? Does Ashton know he's gay? Does he know he likes him? He tried to be as cool as he could "I support them, they are still people no matter who they do and do not like." Ashton then started looking at a breadstick "Have you ever questioned your sexuality?" Luke got a slightly sickness in his stomach but kept going. "T-to be honest, y-yes" He looked down and blushed slightly. Ashton look at him and picked up his chin. "You don't have to be embarrassed. Honestly ,I've questioned my own sexuality." He blushed madly. Luke smiled and looked at Ashton. "Then I guess we have nothing to hide."

The two talked for another twenty minutes until Calum and Michael pulled them away from each other. Ashton climbed into the car and hummed happily. "You're welcome you know." Calum said to the joyful Ashton. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." He said with a big smile. "Well someone is happy." He said. Calum drove back to Ashton's home and parked the car. Ashton climbed out and walked in, happily falling on his bed. "I think I might have a chance Cal. A small chance, but a chance."


Luke and Michael got in the car. Luke was smiling and rambling about Ashton. "He's really cute and nice but he can be shy at times but that makes him more adorable-" "Luke." Michael said as he interrupted Luke. "Yeah?" "You're rambling on about Ashton. Why not we go home and you can call him." Luke's eyes widen then facepalmed "What happened?" Michael asked. Luke grumbled irritably "All that time I had with Ashton and I didn't ask for his number."

Luke parked that car and went inside, laying flat on his bed. He went and looked in the pockets of his hoodie. Inside he found a small napkin from the pizza place and a note

"If you want to call me

(xxx) xxx-xxxx


Luke jumped up from his bed and ran to his phone. Michael laughed and said, "well someone seems happy. Finally realized he left the note in your pocket right?" Luke didn't listen and pressed his number into his phone.

He waited patiently as the phone connected to the caller, tapping his finger on the wall. After a few more rings, a voice answered the phone. "Hello?" The voice asked. "A-Ashton?" Luke said into the phone. "Hi Luke." Ashton tried to stay as calm as possible. "Why did you call?" He asked. "Well, I wanted to talk to you." Ashton giggled softly and talked about anything and everything.

Ashton and Luke continued to talk. "Hey Ash." Luke said. "Why don't we meet up, just us two. No Cal, No Mikey. Just us." He asked. Ashton put his phone on mute and screamed in joy. "Calum! Luke wants to go out! Holy cows!" He regained his sanity and unmuted the call. "I would love to. When and where?" Luke knew exactly what to say, he's thought of this for a while now. "Be ready by 9:45 tomorrow night and you'll see." Luke hung up and squirmed happily on his bed, realizing he now has a date with Ashton. He went up to Michael and said with confidence, "I got myself a date with Mr. Ashton Irwin. Now pay up, you bet I couldn't get a date with him and if I did you give me ten dollars. My money now baldy." Luke said with a smirk. "Hold up Lucifer. And I'm not balding, it's the dye." He sadly look at what's left of his dyed hair and handed Luke ten dollars. "Tomorrow, I have a date."


Ashton put his phone down and ran around the house. "I did it Calum! I did it!" He shouted and he ran around. "Did what? Get rid of your herpes?" Ashton slapped the back of Calum's head. "Maybe if you didn't try fuck Michael, you wouldn't have STDs." He said back. Michael and Calum obviously liked each other but they never admitted anything to each other. "Shut up, I d-don't even like him." Ashton sat Calum down and sat next to him, crossing his arms. "Lies. Big fat lies." Ashton may be shy but with Calum, he could say anything. Calum went a slight pink and pouted. "Once we settle my problem, we'll work with yours. You'll see, Mikey will be your before you know it. Just watch me."

A/N so...yeah. Sorry the chapter basically is shit. Also gonna work with some side Malum cause guys, Malum.

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