Dark Man

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My name? It's Maria. I'm 16 years old. I was the kind of girl who hated everyone but not for fun because people made me hate them. They treated me badly. Like trash. Sometimes, I would wish I were dead. I wished death on everyone. Everyone should die.

My dad drank so much. When he came home drunk, my dad beat me for fun.

One day, I had a fight with my dad. He was drunk and almost raped me. I felt so sad and ran up to my bedroom. After that, I locked my door. He came upstairs and then started knocking on the door, screaming, "Come here. You won't escape. You're a little girl."

I just hid under the blankets, crying like a little baby. After a moment, he stopped and walked downstairs. It was like 12:30AM. I was under the blankets, still crying. In that moment, I had an extreme hatred for my father. While I cried, I only could think of hatred.

Then, I heard someone laughing faintly. My room was pitch dark. I just looked at the window and what I saw, I'll never forget.

There was a boy. He was darker than shadows themselves and I barely could see him. He was simply staring at me. For a moment, I thought he was frozen but then calmly, he said, "Well, are you angry?"

I barely could talk. His eyes, his look was so cold that it froze my heart and my lips.

"I see you have so much rage inside your heart. Oh, you're so sad too. You hate people don't you?"

I felt scared. How did he know so much about me? Then something came from my lips, "Y-yes. W-why?"

"You wish death on a lot of people? Your father. You hate him. You hate everyone?" He almost smiled.

I felt nervous, "No, I don't hate my father."

He simply faded, laughing as he did. I heard screams and the sounds of a struggle. Scared, I ran down and found my dad. His head was lying on the floor and there was blood all over the living room. I held back vomit and screamed. The neighbors called the police, which arrived at 1:02AM. I couldn't sleep after that.

I felt a cold breeze touch my back and when I turned around to see what it was, it was him. The boy. He was staring at me with his cold eyes. Strangely, all the room was dark. But his eyes, they were brighter as if they didn't belong to darkness. He was simply staring at me. His eyes, so scary.

I beg you, if you someday see him, never let him smile at you. His smile is the most horrifying thing you can imagine. With his cold eyes and his monstrous smile, he appears to cover his face. He is your childhood's worst nightmare.

Here it is, the photo I took from him.
He smiled at me and I began to cry like a little girl again.

When I went back to school, I fell to my knees because I noticed everyone was dead.

"Well, didn't you say you hated everyone?" He smiled.

I ran back home and went upstairs to my bedroom. I locked myself in and that's when I saw him again.

He was sitting on the wall like a picture.

Now I'm 17. Every time I go to sleep, he watches me with his maniacal smile. I feel like a little girl when he's around.

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