And we will be consumed...

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Alex stared at Dylan, confusion painted across his face. "What about Norman?"

The kid's eyes dropped to the floor. He hated that he always had to be the one to ruin his mother's relationships. But she wasn't stable. She was never going to be. "Just follow me." Dylan led the sheriff up the steps towards his brother's bedroom. "Look, my mom's a very special woman. She's different from most women. She needs to be protected and cared for. And I don't wanna see her get hurt."

Alex shook his head in disbelief. "I'm not gonna hurt your mom. I care for her a lot. I would never do anything to hurt her."

Dylan fought back an eye roll. He'd heard it all before. People were always using his mother—taking advantage of her. It was hard for him to protect her on his own. He needed help. They needed help. "You don't even know her."

The sheriff sighed softly. He knew the kid was right. He barely knew Norma. But to him it felt like he'd known her his whole life. Like she was his destiny. "I really do love your mother."

Dylan ignored the statement. It had become so difficult to believe anyone anymore. "This is Norman's room." He nodded towards the door. The man had no idea what he was in for. It was time he found out.

Alex cocked an eyebrow, observing the kid warily. He wasn't really sure what this family was hiding. But he couldn't back out now...he was in too deep. He watched as Dylan turned the knob and opened the door revealing an empty room. Alex stepped inside, a cloud of dust suffocating him. "What is this?"

Dylan leaned against the doorframe casually. The big reveal never excited him much. "It's Norman's room."

The sheriff glared at the kid. He could feel the rage radiating off his skin. He didn't like being played. "Don't screw with me. What the hell is this?"

He'd never seen this reaction before, which only meant worse things for his mother. He wouldn't stand for anyone hurting her. She had already been through enough. "It's Norman's room!"

Alex felt his heart begin to break. He'd seen the signs, but a part of him still chose to live in denial with her. He threw the kid up against the wall. But he was only fighting himself. "You think I won't put a bullet through your head. I'm—"

"Norman doesn't exist!" The sound of his voice rang through the still musty air. His eyes connected with the sheriff's. He could see the heartache in his eyes. He knew he believed him, but—

"What do you mean he doesn't exist?" Alex pulled away from him. His voice shook with every step he took. The whole world was coming to an end. Or maybe it already had and this was purgatory. This was hell. "What do you mean he doesn't exist?" If he kept asking, he could prolong the effects of his denial.

Dylan slid down the wall till he hit the floor. The walls of the house were his only stability. "There's something wrong with her. She's not herself sometimes. She used to have these blackouts. But now it's like a constant battle between them."

Alex turned around to face him. "Between who?"

Dylan shrugged, glancing about the walls of the room. "Them. Norma and... Norman. It used to be just little things here and there. I never really understood growing up. Norman was the brother I never had, but always lived with. She believed he was real. She believed that he had lived—that she had raised him. Even though she'd lost him, he was still somehow a part of her. They were attached—linked. There was a cord that was never truly disconnected. One day she just woke up and it was as if the miscarriage had never happened. I guess she loved him so much...she just couldn't let him go." He paused to the catch the sheriff's reaction. But the man stood motionless in the center of the room. There was nothing for him to say. He knew the truth now. "She killed her husband."

Alex stepped back into reality. "I know." He made the journey over to the wall and took a seat beside the kid. "She told me all that."

Dylan stared at the man. "Oh." He was surprised he hadn't gone running for the hills or, better yet, arrested her on the spot.

Alex studied the kid. He knew he'd probably suffered a lot in his life. He knew that Dylan took care of his mother...because he felt he had to. That was how it was. "We'll get her some help. I promise. I'm not leaving her. I'm gonna help you guys." His heart warmed at the kid's appreciative smile. "All right. We better go check on your mother." He stood up and held out a hand to help him up.

Norma was still on the couch when they returned downstairs. She peered at them through the corner her eye. No one was ever safe with her. She caused the ones she loved a great deal of trouble. Trouble they didn't deserve. There was no way for her to keep her family safe. Norman was a monster that would always find her. She couldn't run from him. He was a part of her.

Alex approached her, gently rubbing her back. "Are you feeling better?"

She wouldn't look at him. She couldn't risk the betrayal. She couldn't risk more lives...not for love. It simply wasn't worth it. She gave in. There was nothing else she could do. They were all doomed in the end. There was no denying it anymore. This was their destiny. It had to be fulfilled. She sat completely still, desperately trying not to cherish the warmth of his touch. She had her eyes trained on the wall across from her. It was the only thing that could keep her from breaking. "Norman's back."

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