Chapter 14 - The Notebook

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I'm incredibly sorry about this damn late update! I've just been busy and I've had troubles in life which prevented me to write. But here it finally is! I'm sorry I said I'd update a few days ago but ughh, life man.. I'm so sorry ;;

Sehun had no idea about the intention of the two, Xiumin and Chen. He just thought them as annoying at this right moment as he had to get to his apartment while being as tired as he now was. He looked at his broken phone screen and sighed deeply.
He's have had such bad days after capturing Luhan as his victim.
He just woke up and now he had to hurry home. Well, at least I woke up, he thought to himself as he bandaged his shoulder and half of his arm.
Luhan had fallen asleep after the big meal he had gotten, so he wouldn't be a problem. He always fell asleep around that time anyways, and wakes up the next day at around 11am. Sehun knew that, as it was important for him to keep an eye on his hostage.

Sehun got up to cover his bandages under some new clothing that he had brought with him. Just so it would look like he had changed to go somewhere else, after the party.
He had to make this look legit, he couldn't let them get suspicious. He took one last glance at the sleeping Luhan, letting out a sigh as he left the building. He took at look at his car, which had an enormous bump from hitting the wall of the building.
"Aw man!" He complained, taking himself to the head.
"Don't fucking drink and drive Sehun" He cussed at himself as he messed up his hair.

He finally got himself into the vehicle, starting the engine to drive out on the road once again, the tires pressing against the wet dirt before reaching the asphalt. He didn't know how to act in front of the two, as he couldn't help but be worried about what they even wanted with him.
Did they get a hint of what he was doing?
It couldn't be.. Could it?
He bit his lower lip as he kept an eye on the road, feeling his wound burn in pain and even more when he moved his arm, as he turned at the corners he needed to.

Xiumin and Chen wasn't the first to reach Sehun's apartment, as he was already there. He had made sure he was the first to reach the building and as always, his plans always went as he wanted them to.
At least when Luhan wasn't there..

The bell of Sehun's apartment sounded, as Xiumin pressed his fingers against the button.
Chen couldn't help but let out a laugh when the bells sound died out in the end, as the battery was close to dying.
"That's typical Sehun, being too lazy to change the batteries" Xiumin laughed of his comment and as he was to say something, Sehun's voice was heard in the little speaker;
"The door is open, you can just walk in~"

Chen chuckled as he gave Xiumin a little pat on the butt, leaving Xiumin with slightly pink cheeks and a small glare on his face, which made Chen laugh even louder as they entered the building, walking up the flight of stairs before getting greeted by Sehun.
"Sehun! Are you doing better? It was my fault that you got stabbed.." Xiumin asked a little bit worried as he looked at Sehun's shoulder which by the blind eye looked completely fine.
-"Don't worry Minnie, it's better today~" Sehun said playfully making Chen laugh and Xiumin's face turn red.
"I-I told you guys not to call me Minnie!" He stuttered as Chen just wrapped an arm around him to answer;
"But you're as cute as Minnie so why not?" which made him receive a punch in the side from Xiumin who walked away from them with a pout. Which was convenient, he thought. He could now look around for any clues of Luhan. He glanced back at the two, Chen held Sehun occupied with his talking and kidding around. Somehow Sehun didn't act like normal, he seemed very stiff in his movements and facial expressions.

Either something really was up or then he was in pain from the wound he had. Xiumin didn't know what to believe anymore, he never seemed like a bad guy, so why should he be now? He bit his lower lip as his eyes met Sehun's for a second.
Somehow it made him freeze, Sehun's glance was cold. It had no emotion to it. Was he still shocked? It might be.. Xiumin thought to himself as he inhaled turning around to look around in the apartment.
Something in him pulled in him to be quick. Quick but stealthy.
He looked in every little corner of the apartment when Sehun wasn't paying attention, and so did Chen when Xiumin started to talk to Sehun for a bit.

But Sehun had them figured out. As he walked to the kitchen he discretely picked up a notebook, as he stepped to the fridge;
"Want something to drink?" he asked, looking at them with a grin. Playing dumb. They thanked and asked for a soda and that was what he brought them. But what he didn't know was that Xiumin had seen the notebook on the table before it was removed.
Xiu glanced at Sehun's back-pocket as he turned around for another drink. He lightly tapped Chen's side with his elbow and nodded towards Sehun, resulting in Chen noticing the notebook.
"I will distract him" Chen whispered as the other nodded.

Suddenly Chen placed his drink on the kitchen table to walk over to Sehun who looked quite questionable on him. "Let me see the wound. I need to make sure it at least looks alright" Chen said with a serious look. Sehun to a few steps back but backed into Xiumin who slowly pushed him closer to Chen.

-"R-really it's no need, you two.. It's fine!" Sehun said with a nervous tone, but of course the others insisted even further, and there wasn't for Sehun to do other than obey them. As Chen zipped down Sehun's hoodie, Xiumin helped pulling it off. Or, made it seem like it.. Secretly he grabbed the notebook and hid it under his own sweater.
Thank god he was wearing Chen's huge sweater today. He thought nervously to himself as he just played along, taking of the other shirt of Sehun. But as the bandages where revealed it all froze. It went silent for a bit before Chen slowly mumbled;
"Maybe we shouldn't take of the bandages.." and Xiumin nodded in agreement to then help Sehun get in his clothing once again. Sehun was s relieved.
It was easy to tell nothing on his wound was treated by a doctor, so it was his luck that they didn't take off the bandages.

"Sorry that we're so persistent Sehunnie.." Xiumin mumbled as he brushed off his shoulders a bit.
-"Don't apologize hyung, you're just worried right?" Sehun replied back with a bit of an awkward smile and the two just nodded slightly
-"We'll let you rest now, you seem a bit pale.." Chen finished off before taking Xiumin's hand and pulled him towards the door.
"We're taking the drinks with us!" Xiumin laughed, raising the bottle of soda a bit, leaving Sehun with a slight laugh while waving his hand.
"Sleep well you two" He chuckled.

-"Oh we won't be sleeping if you know what I mean~" Chen responded with a tease as he closed the door behind them.
"WH-WHAT?!" Xiumin stuttered and stared at the other
"He's supposed to think we'll sleep, not investga--" Xiumin continued but was cut off and Chen's lips got close to his.
"The investigation can wait too" He said with a smirk, as Xiumin just looked utterly confused at him. Then Xiumin realized what he meant, and his cheeks turned bright red.
"Ch-che..." He struggled to get any words out, leaving Chen with a big laugh on his face.
"Yo-you tease!" Xiumin stuttered and he walked fast towards the car, his expression was screaming of embarrassment.

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