Chapter 4

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My body started to tingle back to life. I whimpered as I tried to sit up. Feeling around with my left hand, I felt soft, warm cloth underneath me. My right arm wouldn't move any further. There was a leather rope tied to my wrist keeping me from getting up. My throat was so dry, and scratchy, that my voice came out as a whisper.

"Where am I?" I whined. A metal door opened wide, and I had to shut my eyes from the bright light. 

"You're with me, babe." The man from before said, as he stepped into the room. 

"Who are you? I don't even know your name." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Do you promise to be a good girl this time, and I'll tell you." He replied with a smirk. I paused for a moment. I realized I wouldn't get very much if I didn't cooperate with him. "Fine, I'll be good." I sighed.

"Prove it. Give me a lil kiss. And I SWEAR if you bite me again I'll knock your ass out into next week." He growled. I gulped nervously as he walked closer and closer. He leaned down to my face and stopped an inch away.

"I'm waiting.." He said. I slowly moved my lips to his. He softly grabbed my face and kissed me a little faster. More tears rolled down my face, and his finger followed the tears. He pulled his lips from mine and whispered "My name is Nathan".

I didn't feel like talking to him anymore, so I stayed quiet. He sat beside me on, what I assumed at the moment, was a bed. His hand touched my bare leg, which made me think... I was wearing jeans today. WHY COULD I FEEL HIS HAND TOUCH MY SKIN?!? I looked down and found that my jeans were now turned into denim torn shorts!!

"What the hell did you do to my pants!?" I screamed. He grinned as he ran his hand further up my leg, almost reaching the top of my thigh. With my left hand that wasn't tied up I struck him across the face.

"Keep your filthy hands OFF OF ME!" 

"What did I say about being a good girl?" He licked the corner of his lip that was now bleeding.

"I really don't care what you said, alright." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh really, well what if I said I can and will take the last thing that I haven't taken from you yet?" He leaned over my torso with his body.

"What are you talking about..?" I say.. But I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Your virginity, babe" He said showing his sharp teeth.

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