Chapter 15

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"WHAT!" But.. but that means... THE FULL MOON IS TONIGHT!!" I can feel my heart beating faster and faster.

"I know, but you have to trust me on this. I will get you back to Nathan." Blaine said

"How do you know his name?" 

"He's the Alpha wolf. Everyone knows his name here."

"But.. I thought he would've been here by now to save me."

"Even though he is the strongest wolf, he still can't break the territory boundaries. But I can get you close enough to his boundaries so You can go back to him." 

"You would really do that? Why?"

"You're a nice girl, and like I said. I don't want to see you get hurt and if you stay here you will be. But right now I can't take you. When it gets dark I can. As soon as the sun starts to set, me and you are outta here."

"Thank you sooo much, Blaine." I said as we heard the door knob turning. He speed dashed back to his stance before they came in. I acted as he never spoke to me. 


The day had passed by slowly. Someone came into the room trying to give me food but I refused to eat. For the most part no one bothered me except for a few times the king had come by to 'Check up' on me (mainly to see if I had tried to escape). When I wasn't paying attention to other things I could feel parts of my body changing, but it wasn't like before and I understood why. Nathan had said whichever I was closer to, I would change into. I have been around vampires lately, and my teeth and nails were growing sharper, and I could tell my hair was turning slightly black.

Blaine would down at his watch ever so often and give me hand signals to tell me what time it was. He signaled that it was 8:30 now. Soon he was going to get me out of here. But in my head I kept thinking, How was he going to do it? If the other are filled with anger like he said how was he going to convince them to let me go? 

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