Chapter 17

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We didn't have any more trouble while running through the palace. Blaine made sure no one was around every corner and we finally made it outside. Though we still had to make it outside of the village and to the wolf territory, which by what Blaine had said, was quite a distance to run. 

I fell to the ground in pain, the transformation was growing more. "What time is it?" I asked Blaine

"It's 11. We only have an hour to get you back. We won't make it in time unless you are as fast as me... Hop on my back. I'll get us there." He replied

Before I could protest he grabbed my arm,  threw it around his shoulder and pulled me up onto his back. He quickly took off and I was holding on for dear life. He was right though we never would have made it. Him being a vampire he had super speed to get us there, but even that wasn't enough. I still had to get to Nathan by myself.

He let me down and said "I can't go any further. I'm sorry but you will have to find him from here. I will stay here and watch guard, all you have to worry about is time. Here... Take my watch."

"Thank you for everything Blaine." 

"I will stay here until I know you are safe. I will be expecting your return in the morning to let me know you turned safely."

"I will."

"Now, hurry and find Nathan quickly." He said as I took off. 

10 minutes passed and I still haven't found Nathan. Then, A howl of agony echoes through the forest. It's him! I run as fast as I can towards the noise. Damn myself for not being faster. I don't give up though, I push myself harder and harder. I look down at the watch while I run.. it reads 11:47.

"SHIT!!!!" I scream as I run even harder. Another Howl. It was really close this time. That gave me the hope I needed. 

"NATHAN!!!" I yelled through the forest, and again his howl answered my call. I ran some more and I could feel my legs getting faster. I couldn't tell if that it was because I was still turning vampire or if I was turning wolf. It didn't matter at the moment because I needed all the speed I could get. Just then a gigantic wolf jumped out from the woods ahead of me. 

"Nathan!" I exclaimed and run to him. The wolf runs toward me. I stop dead in my tracks and fall again, but Nathan doesn't stop until he reaches me. 

"Help! It hurts!" I whine, laying on the ground. He nudges my face with his snout. He doesn't speak but I can hear him telling me something "It's going to be alright. I'm here now. You will change into a wolf, and I am here to ease you."

I still have the watch in my hand, so I drop it on the ground as my hands transform into dark brown furred paws. I can feel the muscles in me contracting and moving, my face is stretching to form a snout, it feels like every part of me is tearing. A loud howl escapes my lips. I can hear beeping in the background, as I realize it's the timer on Blaine's watch... The transformation is complete.

My wolf is still laying on the ground. Nathan's wolf helps pull me to my feet. I'm still in great pain. It every so slightly eases away, as Nathan rubs his face and neck against mine. I return the favor.  When the pain completely vanishes Nathan lead me back to his place. I quickly pick up the watch with my mouth. 

When we arrive Jesse is in his wolf form too, and Mae is standing on the porch. I look around and realize.. this really is the place where I was always meant to be. Feeling assured, I drop the watch and lay down slowly and calmly. The pain isn't there anymore, but I'm still wore out and everyone can tell. Mae walks inside as Jesse's wolf follows behind her, and Nathan lays with me. We slept outside for the rest of the night until day-break. 

I awake to find myself under a blanket with Nathan. We are still outside on the ground, but I guess he grabbed one while I was sleeping. He's already awake and looking at me.

"I love you." He says in a sexy, half asleep, voice.

"I love you too." I say smiling back at him.

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