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Back story- This prompt kind of was dream of mine when I was much younger. I decided to make a prompt out of it and change the characters and the back story.

Plot: You are a waitress (working at a dinner) a busy night shift when a guy takes interest in you.

You walk into work, as soon as you take one foot into the door you're boss says "oh thank gosh at least I have one server tonight." You just give a fake smile and think you got to be kidding me on a Friday night.

You walk into the kitchen to punch in and put your apron on. After it is tied on you grab a fresh menu pad and slip them into your apron pocket. As you do the main cook Robert walks in and punches in. "Hi Robert, I'm your only server tonight so go easy on me." You say joking. He smiles and gives a small chuckle then says walking into the walk in cooler "we are a time lady me and you." you giggle and walk up front to make sure all the pitcher of water are ready for the rush. You notice that you need to fill the box that holds the crayons for the kids. This reminds you of your four year old daughter at home with your best friend, Saturday is her birthday and you really need the money to by her presents and her cake. As soon as you get everything organized the mad rush started.

"Miss I am ready to order!" to man at table 5 yells out. You rush over to take their order. As soon as you run there order to the kitchen to Robert the women at table 8 says "miss I ordered Sautéed mushrooms." You say "I'm sorry we have only one cook, I'll bring that right up." She smiles and nods. You run into the kitchen telling Robert you need the mushrooms and you grab table 5 food. As soon as you get table 5 feed you walk behind the register and take the money from the tables that are done.

After the first set of people leave the next rush comes through. You are running around like a chicken with its head cut off none stop. After all the table on the left of the restaurant was either seated or their orders where taking. You walk over to a group of guys sitting in the big booth on the right side. "Hello, im (y/n) can I get you fella's something to drink?" you say the hottest man you have ever laid eyes on said "Coke for the table, thanks." You go weak in the knees when you hear his Australian assent. "coming right up." You walk into the kitchen because you hear Robert say "Orders up." You start going from table to table either taking the rest of the orders and handing the food out to the right tables. After you head to the kitchen to give Robert the next of the orders and get the fella's there coke's. "Here you guys go! Are you ready to order or do you guys need sometime?" Before he says anything a man sitting at table 4 says "Are you going to get me a menu or are you going to just stand there and firty?" You sigh and walk over and hand him a menu with a fake smile. You walk back the the fella's and say "Sorry." The hot Australian man chuckles and says "Darlin' it's not your fault." You smile and before you could say something his friends says "Where going to head out Jai. See you later dude." Standing up handing me the money for the cokes. So his name is Jai you think. Jai orders "Can I have a sandwich and fries." You smile and nod writing it down on your notepad. "I will get you a norther coke also." he smiles and you walk over to the register and put the money from the cokes. You walk into the kitchen and get the rest of the food.

Things start to slow down. The rude guy only left you a $1.50 tip. Oh well you thought it's for Bella. You start busing table's when you notice Jai is staring at you. After you take the loaded dish bin into the kitchen, you walk over to Jai and say "Do you need any thing a nother coke or dessert? We have fresh apple pie, ice cream and brownies?" he smiles at you and says "maybe just some ice water." You nod and walk over to the counter and make a glass of ice water when you're best friend and daughter walks in. At this point Jai was the only one in the restaurant. "Mommy." She comes running over to you when you bring Jai his water. "I'm sorry" your friend says she counties "there is a family emergency I need to leave her with you." You nod and say "Bella, you hungery." She nods and I sit her at a booth., " You stay here baby, I still have dishes to do." She nods you get her a coloring sheet. You hug your friend and send her off telling her to call you in the morning. You knew it hand something to do with her grandmother who wasn't doing well. Jai says "She can sit with me, if you want, I don't mind. I know you're busy." You just smile and bella walks over to his table and sits across from him. "Bella, this is, sorry I didn't get your name." you say he replies "Jai, Jai Courtney." Bella says "Nice to meet you Mr." I smile and say "I'll have Robert make you some chicken nuggets." She cheers. i bring her out her nuggets and some juice. "Behave." You walk over to the front door and look it and flip the close sign. You walk over to Jai and say "I don't mean to inconvenience you." you say he replies "you're not, this is my get away, I walked in on my girlfriend of 4 years with a norther man earlier. If anything I'm inconvenience you." you just look at him and finally say "I'm sorry. Thank you for watching her." he nods. You run into the kitchen and help Robert load the small dishwasher and put them away.

"so Bella, hold old are you?" he asks her she replies "I'm going to be four on Saturday. It's my birthday." He smiles and says "well happy early birthday! Where is your daddy ar work?" he asks She replies "I don't have a daddy, my daddy left when I was a baby mommy says." He feels bad and decided to change the subject. "So what are you doing for your birthday?" she smiles and say "I wanted to go to the zoo, but mommy says maybe but I think it's because we don't have enough money. Mommy is always working." He replies "You should be very proud of your mom, she works hard and takes care of you all by herself." She smiles and says "I know I love mommy so much. She my best friend." He couldn't help but smile. She replies "mommy said we are going to have cake and ice cream do you want to come to my birthday party?" he smiles and says "well that's up to your pretty mommy." You walk out and say "what's up to me?" she replies "can Mr. Jai come to my birthday party?" You smile and say "sure if he wants to come, he is more than welcome." He smiles and says "I would love it."

On Saturday, there are family and a couple of Bella's friends running around. Jai walks into the back yard when Bella sees him and runs over and says "Mr. Jai you made it!" she hugs him. Jai bought Bella tickets for him, Bella and you, to go to the zoo on Sunday

. After going to the zoo with him you guys all got so close and you ended up becoming a big happy family. You got married 2 years later on the day you to meet at the diner. You guys had a norther baby girl and you are 7 months pregnant with a baby boy.

"I am so glad we met at the diner honey." You say to him he smiles and kisses you. "I knew the moment you walked over I was going to fall in love with you." you smile and say "how did you know?" You smile and he replies "I just thought it was love at first sight. And when I meet Bella I thought she was special." You kiss him again. "thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to me." he smiles and says "No you two are the best things that happen to me. I am glad you to walk into my life." You kiss him and say "night honey." He kisses my forehead and says "night gorgeous." You fall asleep holding his hand.

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