Tutu's and Tiara's

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Coming home to your husband playing with our daughter was a perfect yet rear accession. Don't get me wrong I love coming home to my best friend babysitting for me and I really appreciate it but coming home to my husband and daughter playing just melts me heart. It's a rare accession that jai would be home with her instead of filming hollywoods next major movie!

That's exactly what happened tonight. I came home around normal time 5:30pm to giggling coming from Lily's room. I walked in to see my husband with his shirt off sitting by the tea party table and wearing a tutu. "We'll doesn't daddy look beautiful." I commented and jai eyes shot to mine with his cheek red. "Mommy, daddy is a pretty pretty princess." I giggled as jai chuckles. "Babe all have you know i was told that I would make a really pretty princess and I would be invited to the popular tea party." I giggle again as Lily hugs me. "Thank you Lilly for making daddy wear a tutu, he looks funny." She giggles "welcome mommy. " i respond "all right mommy going to get dinner on you to play nice now." I'm about to walk out when jai says "will see who place nice later tonight babe." He says with a smirk. I walk into the kitchen to get dinner on.

"Dinner ready my pretty princesses!" I yell minute's later jai and Lily walks in and says "smells good." I smile wide. Jai start taking off the tutu and I say "NO!" He looks at me confused and I say "don't take it off till I tell you too." He smirks at me and says "can I at least put a shirt on." I giggle and nod.

After dinner it was time for Lily's bath, I give her a quick bath. "Did you have fun with daddy?" She smiles and says "yes mommy, I wish daddy was here all the time." I brush her wet hair out of her face and say "I know baby I do too." After the bath It's Daddy's turn to reads her a bedtime story while I load the dishwasher.

I sneak into the door frame to listen to Jai and Lily. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair." Jai says reading the tangled book. He continued reading the book with that husky Australian accent. "Mommy you can tuck me in now." I hear after I don't hear my husband's voice. "I'm here baby." She giggles and says "I know mommy." Jai lays her in her bed and I walk over and kissed her forehead. "I love you princess." Jai says to her I smile and says "I love you too." She says "I love you mommy and daddy. " we tuck her in jai kisses her head twice and I turn her night light on and shut her door leaving it cracked open.

In our bedroom I just got done getting my pajamas on when Jai comes in from locking the house up. "so Mrs. Courtney can I take this off now, it uncomfortable." I smirk and say "do a dance." He looks at me and shakes his head 'no.' I giggle and say "fine." He pulls off the tutu reveling that he had shorts on underneath. With a smirk on his face he says "so Mrs. Courtney.. should I be teaching you how I play nice?" I smirk at him and walk over to him and kiss him. You know what happens next. After both naked I am laying on Jai chest when I say "you should wear that tutu more often, maybe next time without the shorts and with a tiara." He looks at me and chuckles. "You make one hot princess Mr. Courtney." he kisses my forehead. "I missed you guys you know, I really wish I could be here and still work you know." I nod. "I know it's not good for Lily to not have her father her all the time." He continued. I say "she understands that you have to be away to work, work to support us, just like me." he sighs "I just wish I can make it up to you two for lost time." I reply "you don't have to, being with us now is what is important, we don't care about lost time, we just want you here now with us." He give me a small smile. "I could take so time off and we can go to Australia to see my family." I smile and say "sounds good, I miss them just as much as you." He smiles and says "I love being a dad." I smile wide and say "your one hella of a dad and a husband we are lucky to have you." I kisses him on the lips and he smiles into the kiss. "I love you baby." He says I reply "I love you too, Jai."

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