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Hey guys :) So... I am amazed at the amount of people who support my book. I am so proud of how it's going and can't thank you guys enough. I'm in the middle of trying to make a better cover, but it's harder than it looks :P

I wanted to ask you guys some questions:

Who would you like to hear more of in the book?

Is there anything that annoys you about it (Grammar, way of speech, ect?

I love you so much and thank you so much for the support!!!! xxxxxxxx


I stay in my room, staring at my phone, just willing Bianca to text me back. This is one of the situations where you kind of want your best friend. I know it's not her fault. Her parents are determined to get her into the best college. They probably confiscated her phone during this college hunt. But I know Bianca. Nothing is going to stop her from becoming a dancer. 

I don't want to be here. I want to go home, and protect my mother. But I know that Alex is right. I hate that he's right, but that doesn't change anything. Mom can calm Dad down by herself. She shouldn't have to, but in this situation, there's no other way. 

I suddenly jump, as the door swings open, drawing me out of my day dream.

"Dinner's ready." Jake says smiling. "Stop hiding up here, and come and get some food."

"I'm not hiding." I frown.

"Yes you are." He says simply. "You don't want to be here. I get it. Just please come eat." I reluctantly follow him, down the stairs and into the kitchen. Which is a mess. All the boys are here, scarfing down food. I'm so glad I'm an only child. I slowly take a seat in the only available spot, in between Will and Vincent, across from Alex.

"Hungry Harper?" Cole asks, handing me a plate. 

"Sure." I say quietly, picking up a slice.

"So why are you here?" Hayden asks from down the table, his mouth full.

"Don't be rude." Cole says sternly.

"I'm just curious!" He protests. 

"It's ok." I say, before Cole gets angry, and look at Hayden. "I just needed a place to stay for a couple of days." He nods, accepting my answer.

"Do you know how to play-" Vincent starts, but is cut off.

"You don't go near that X-box until your book report is done." Cole says, not even looking up." Vincent sighs, and we fall into silence. 

"What's your report on?" I ask, just wanting to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Any book I want." He grumbles. "I chose The Hunger Games."

"Cause that'll give you a good grade." Alex snorts. I glare at him, annoyed. 

"You can get a good grade on any book, depending on how you write it." I snap.

"Know it all." He shoots back.

"Pig Brain."


"Drop ou-"

"Do you know how to write a book report?" I look back at Vincent, drawing my attention away from the ignorant pig.

"Of course she does." Alex snorts, ignoring my warning look. 

"Do you want help?" I ask Vincent. "I can show you how." He nods quickly, accepting my offer.

"Thanks." He grins. "Do you want to work on it tomorrow after school?" 

"Sure." I smile.

"Cool." He says, jumping up. "I'm going to go finish reading the book."He runs out the room, and Cole whistles.

"That's the first time he was excited to actually go read." He smirks. I frown, not understanding.

"He's dyslexic." Zane explains. "Not really very enthusiastic towards school stuff." I nod, understanding. 

"I'll help him out tomorrow." I smile.  They nod their thanks, and we go back to eating. We're interrupted by Will, who dives into a fit of coughing. 

"Ok little man." Jake says, scraping back his chair. "Time for bed."

"No!" He whines, crawling off his chair, and unexpectedly jumping into my lap. "I wanna stay with Harper." I stare at him surprised. Kids aren't usually such a great success with me. He grabs my cheeks, looking at my face."You wanna play with me?" He asks smiling, coughing slightly. I look towards the others, who shake their heads slightly. 

"Sorry buddy." I smile apologetically. "Time for bed."

"Aw." He sighs. "No fair." He looks at me. "Can you put me to bed." I look towards Zane for permission, and nods, smiling. 

I start to pick Will up, to find he's already asleep. Before I can stop it, his hand suddenly slips down from my neck to my chest, stopping on my breast. I blush, as the others burst out laughing.

"Trust Will to get to first base." Elliot chuckles, high fiving Seth, his twin. I quickly but gently move his hand back up to my neck, and leave the kitchen, trying to  stop the redness spreading all over my face. I walk up the stairs, frowning, not knowing what room is Will's. 

"Second door to the left." I look behind me, to see Alex join me at the top of the stairs. He opens the door for me, and I enter the room. I gently slide Will into the bed, and I wait at the door, while Alex takes off his shoes, and tucks him in. He closes the door behind him.

"He's sweet." I say.

"He likes you." He grins. "He doesn't usually talk to strangers like that."

"Well, kids don't usually like me either." I laugh. "So is Will ok?" 

"What do you mean?" His eyes darken.

"Well." I say softly. "I just though that he was sick..."

"How about you mind your own business?" He snaps suddenly.

"I was just-" I try to explain, but he cuts me off.

"Well don't." He spits, backing me up into the wall. "Don't get involved in our family business or I'll send you right back into your abusive father's arms." Before I can say anything, he storms off into his room, slamming the door. I stare, shocked. I blink away the tears, before they can leak. 

Don't be so weak Harper.

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