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So, this is the very end :( The Bad Boys Saw Me Naked is officially completed.

Thank you so much and if you would follow me to my next book, that would be amazing.

Love Lisa x


"Geronimo!" I laugh, as Vincent jumps into the waterhole, splashing everyone.

"Man, come on!" Jake says, pushing him underwater.

"Harper, are you coming in?" Alex asks, swimming to the edge where I'm sitting.

"Yeah." I giggle. "In a minute. It's cold."

"I can help with that." He grins. Before I can protest, he pulls me in, sending me to the bottom.

"Ohh it's cold!" I laugh.

"I can help with that." He says, drawing me closer.

"Ok, ok, no more of that please." We turn around to see Cole, carrying Will down the path, closely followed by Zane.

"Good afternoon Will!" I say, swimming towards the edge. Will got home yesterday, after being in the hospital for a month recovering. A lot has happened in a month.

Will is a lot better. The doctors say he'll never be able to be completely healthy, but he can live his life comfortably. He's going to be fine.

My Father and Quentin left town that night we were at the  hospital, after trashing the house again, like the mature adults they are. But I don't think they will ever be back. Not with Trent's promise.

After that threat, Trent really did take his business to the next level. Although we don't really agree with it, we have come to the realization that somehow, Trent really is running his business with good intentions. He only gives his products out to people who are in situations like we were.

Zane heard a rumor that Evan really did get sent to help run Trent's factory in Mexico. Evan will be spending a good two years sweating it out in an old, dirty factory, far away from us.

Zane and Scarlett sit down on a rug they set out on the bank with Will, and the others mess around in the water.

"Hey guys!" Bianca says, walking down the path. "You ready Jake?"

"Yeah." He says, jumping out of the water. "I just have to get changed." Jake meant Bianca's father a couple of days ago, and he actually didn't freak out. However he wants him to come over for Sunday lunch with the family, to lay down the ground rules.

"Where's your Mom Harp?" Bianca asks, waiting for Jake to dry off.

"She's on a date." I smile. "With Derek." After Quentin and Dad left, Cole asked us to move in with them, just for a little while until we could find a more appropriate house to live in. She mustered up the courage to ring Derek, to see how he was. Turns out he was living in the next town over, and asked Mom out immediately. Ever since it's been great for the both of them, and it looks like they might move in together, after I leave for college.

Everybody has been busy finishing the school year, and it's almost time for Bianca, Jake, Alex and I to graduate. Colleges have been starting to send out acceptance letters.

Bianca has auditioned for a ballet school only five hours away, that gives really great opportunities for her. Jake doesn't know what he wants to do yet, but they are both confident that they can make it work.

I've been accepted to go to Harvord, to study journalism and creative writing. Alex accepted a job as an apprentice nearby, he wants to work with cars.

It's amazing how how negative events can be the basis of something beautiful.

And I guess this is where the story ends. But who knows what the future brings.

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