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Hey guys,

I can't believe this book is over. I remember when I started this, I had no idea it would have gotten this big.

After this chapter, there will soon be a epilogue. This isn't a chapter, more like a follow up.

I won't be writing a sequel, because I personally don't think this book should have one.

My next book is already up!!!!! I have updated the prologue, and it would be lovely if you guys would like to follow me there.

It's called My Brother Says I'm Dangerous. You can find it by going onto my profile.

Thank you to everyone who helped me out. The people who sent me covers, advice, and kind words. To the people who helped me make the cast list, and to those who simply let me rant to them. If I haven't answered your messages, I am trying to answer as many as I can.

Thanks so much to everyone, I am incredibly blessed x

Love Lisa xxxx


I remember once when my Dad came back. I was about fourteen. We had sold some of his old basketball trophies for a little extra money. He was so mad. He said that we had gotten rid of the last of his glory days. He said it was the only memory he had of his old life. My Mom and him were high school sweethearts. She fell pregnant with me senior year. Dad gave up his scholarship to college, and married her.

I didn't leave the house for a week he beat me so bad. Quentin came over which made it all worse. My Mother tried to stop them, but she didn't even have a chance. They knew the best way to hurt her was through me.

Bianca made me promise that I would tell her if it went to far. I don't know why, there was nothing she could have done. But I did. She was always worried that Quentin would make it sexual. But it was never like that. They didn't want that. They just wanted to see the pain.

There was always a feeling in the pit of my stomach before something like this happened. A feeling of desperation. Fear.

It's not there this time.


"Harper I want you to wait in the car." Alex says seriously.

"No." I say simply.

"I don't want you hurt." He says.

"I won't be." I say back. "It's going to end today." He stays silent, as we sharply turn into my street. 

"How are we even going to play this? Are we just getting Wendy and getting out?" Jake asks desperately.

"I don't know." Cole bites his lip.

"I can't." I say. "It has to end. It can't go on any longer."

We have no more time to argue, as we pull into the driveway. I jump out, the others close behind me. I use my key, opening the door. I run in, looking around.

"Hello Harper." Trent says smoothly. "I was wondering how long it would take." He sits on the couch, next to Evan. My Dad sits in his armchair, Quentin sitting next to him. Mum stands in the kitchen door. Her eyes widen when she sees us, and hurries over.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I'm dealing with business." Trent says smoothly.

"Go away Harper." My Dad growls. I frown, taken aback. He should be angry. I'm late, and I interrupted.

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