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I hoist myself out of the water, feeling uncomfortable alone. I wrap myself up in a towel, and start walking back to the house. I get closer, and see Alex walking down the driveway.

"I was just coming to get you." He says. 

"It's ok." I answer. "Is Will ok?"

"It doesn't concern you." He says shortly, turning around to go back into the house. I roll my eyes, and follow him. 

"Really?" I snap, standing in the kitchen. "You're going to use that card again?" He sighs, sitting down at the table.

"I'm sorry, all right?" He says, looking at me. I sit down next to him.

"I just wanted to make sure he'll be alright." I say quietly. He stays quiet, and stares at me, thoughtfully.

"It's a long story." He says finally.

"I've got time." I say. He looks at me.

"My parents were screw ups ok?" He starts, pacing around the kitchen. "Practically our whole lives, they were deadbeat. Cole practically raised us. They were always off with my aunt and uncle. Four years ago, there was a car crash. My Dad was driving, killed all four of them. Cole was only twenty. Zane was sixteen, I was only thirteen. We have no other relatives, so Cole dropped out of college to look after everyone. We all moved into here, and there you go." He fills a glass with water, and downs all of, sighing heavily.

"That's awful." I say quietly. "What about Will?"

"I'm getting there." He says, getting the stuff out of the fridge to make a sandwich. "Will was in the car when they wrapped it around a tree." I gasp.

"How old was he?" 

"Six." He says. "Anyway, he was hurt pretty bad. It stuffed up his chest. There's some big, medical term for it, but pretty much, there's a hole in his lungs that makes his chest hurt, which is why he coughs a lot."

"What happened at the hospital?" I ask.

"They told us that the surgery was too risky for him at his age, and that he would have a better chance surviving the surgery if we waited until he was fully grown." He places a sandwich in front of me, and starts to eat his own. 

"Obviously, he was in pain, and there was still a hole in his lungs." He continues softly. "The drug that he needs to take is part of a clinical trial. It's not even legal. We tried to get him into one of the experiments, but they wouldn't take him because he was sick."

"That makes no sense." I say.

"You're telling me." He snorts. "So we had the choice of either doing the surgery, or waiting until he was old enough with out the drug." He frowns. "Either way Will would die."

'So what did you do?" I asks.

"Something illegal." He says sheepishly. "Cole knew a guy, who had a friend, who's cousin's wife had a niece who dated this guy who went to school with-"

"I'm lost." I frown.

"Point is." He says, getting to the point. "Cole got in contact with a guy who ships illegal drugs in from Mexico. Including the drug we needed for Will."

"He did what he had to do." I tell him.

"He did." He says. "And now, we're always bargaining with guy to get Will's medicine."

"It's amazing how much you guys love him." I say. "You take care of him." He smiles, nodding his head. We sit in silence, as I take in all the new information.

"I tend to screw up a lot." He blurts out. I just look at him, not sure what to say.

"I'm not good at these things." He continues.

"What things?" I press on. 

"Relationship stuff." He explains. 

"I think you proved you're pretty good at that last night actually." I purse my lips. He sighs.

"That wasn't a relationship." He says. "That was a f*cking idiot screwing up because he was too stupid and stubborn to do what he should have done in the first place."

"And what was that?" I ask curiously. He smirks. 

"I shouldn't have run away after I kissed you." He says, and I can feel my cheeks darkening. "I should have stayed and kissed you harder." I look up, to see he is staring at me intently. "But instead I went to a bar, got piss drunk and distracted myself with a blonde."

"I guess you're right." I say smiling slightly.

"What?" He frowns. 

"You're not the best at relationship stuff." I say quietly. He laughs, and nods. 

"I know I've been a prick to you, and I'm sorry." He says. "I've just had some bad experiences, and sometimes I repeat my mistakes." He leans in closer. "The truth is, I like you Harper." My eyes widen, and I choke a little.

"U-Um, w-what?" I splutter. 

"I like you." He tells me simply. "And I'm saying this to you so bluntly, because, like I said, I screw things up. This way, you know my intentions and I'm not messing you around." I stare, gaping at him, not sure what to say.

"Don't say anything." He says. "I just wanted you to know, because I don't want to hurt you again." 

"Ok." I say, finally uttering something. He stands up, stretching.

"Your shivering." He points out. I look down, I forgot I'm still wet from swimming.

"I'm going to shower." I say. "Let me know if you hear anything about Will?" He nods. I head for the door, my head spinning. I don't think I can handle any more new information today.

"Oh, Harper?" I turn around, facing him. 

"Yeah?" I yawn. 

"One more thing I should probably tell you." He says. "There's a reason we hate Evan so much."

"Huh?" I ask confused. 

"You know the guy Cole knew that had a friend who's cousin's wife-" 

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." I say, not following at all.

"Well." He says frowning. "You know the guy who supplies us with Will's medicine?" 


"He's Evan's father."

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