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12 PM. He said he'd be here.

She was tapping her foot, impatiently as the wind blew through her newly-cropped hair. It was shorter, and easier to maintain. After a few minutes, she went inside and chose a table. The restaurant was packed, and the waiters had come twice to her, offering her something, but she politely refused. She kept checking her phone. The minutes ticked by and she grew anxious by the minute. What if he didn't come? It would be embarrassing.

It was a small cafe downtown. The sun glided inside the room, and made the wood of the table look breathtakingly beautiful. The cafe had the best brunches in town, and offered privacy, which was a bonus. 

The café was bustling with energy and the sunshine shone through the window. Her mind couldn't stop worrying, though.

Would he be here?

Would he?


At that moment, the door dinged open and there he came.

Goodness, he looks so good. She thought, blushing. He scanned the crowd and finally spotted her and stopped for a minute.

He smiled, and she felt a gush of energy as she saw those dimples she loved poking. He'd grown so mature and much more handsome in the past year. He approached her and she felt a tingle of happiness all over again.

She looks so beautiful, he thought. He couldn't believe she was actually here, and she was early!

"You look beautiful today." He said, sitting down and she smiled, as she said, "You look great too." She'd chosen a simple blue and white checkered dress, with delicate black sandals, and her hair left loose. Her lipstick matched her blush.

They made small talk, all it took was a simple topic of the café being crowded. Its like they hit off right where they left off and she enjoyed that. Its like that night never happened.

They ordered the same thing, and despite getting weird looks from everyone, they didn't care. He cracked some stupid, lame jokes and she laughed to them. He almost made her choke on her coke with a ridiculous joke about bananas.

He noticed the way her cheeks flushed every time they talked. He noticed her beautiful blue eyes, which were like the clearest ocean he'd ever seen. He also noticed her guard come off.

She notice how his gorgeous emerald green eyes sparkled in the sunlight. She saw his smile and laughed at his lame jokes. She saw hope. He saw life.

But they also saw a lot of stares. But they didn't care. Caring about others only meant swerving down the wrong path again. It only meant annihilation. And for them to survive and rise above the flames, they must go down in the flames. 

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