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She screamed as the wind violently lashed against her her, some of it falling on his face too. Her hair whipped on her cheeks and she was regretting leaving it loose. He laughed as she screamed in a mixture if delight and fear. The ride slowed down and started ascending upwards.

"God, I might die." She whispered, squeezing his hand and not meeting his eyes. He stopped laughing and gently squeezed her hand back as he said, "then I'll die with you." This caught her attention. She turned to expect a playful face but all she saw was a serious face and before she could react the roller coaster went down.

They screamed loudly yet again, this was the highest one of them all and she swore she almost killed his arm. The ride ended and they got down and couldn't stand up, and held on to each other, laughing, trying to not get dizzy and stand straight.

The next thirty minutes involved them going on three more rides and if going to an amusement park and laughing with no care in the world was one thing, laughing till tears start flowing down your jokes because of his jokes were on a whole new level.

They went on the gigantic Ferris wheel next. None of them had ever been on it before, so it was exciting. She laid her head on his shoulder as she sighed happily in a daze of her own. He put an arm around her frail back and gently squeezed her shoulder. They could see everything from the top - the entire city of New York City, and she swore she could see a bit of the Statue of Liberty as he searched with squinted eyes. They saw Central Park, in all its magnificent glory.

She knew that being with him again was treacherous enough. She didn't want to spend an year in heartbreak again and he didn't want to spend one more lonely night. Sometimes all he wanted to do was cuddle next to her. But being with her is the best feeling, he decided. He knew he was lucky enough for them trying again but he knew that they need to be careful in each step and no matter how hard their schedules go, they will always find time for each other.

It's not normal, being the worlds two biggest stars. But it could be possible.

They got down the ride, hand in hand, none of them saying anything. He quietly bought them cotton candy and they sat down on a bench, eating that, and they knew the paparazzi were taking a million photos of them but then they decided that who cares? They're gonna write stories anyway.

He was looking elsewhere when she started giggling. He looked to see her with her finished candy, and he asked, "What is it?"

She shook her head, and he wondered what made him live without this laugh for a year.

"Babe, what is it?"

She leaned in slowly and kissed the area below his lips, and his breath stopped for a few seconds. He almost moaned in pleasure. His heartbeat went wild. She leaned back and said, "You've had cotton candy over there."

He stared at her, took one last bite of cotton candy and said, "Well, you need to be punished for kissing me like that."

And then she ran and he followed, abandoning the stick somewhere. His adrenaline pumped and he was grinning until he finally caught up with her and grabbed her waist from behind and spun her around. She couldn't stop squealing and she felt like she was on top of the world. He made her feel crazier than any of those rides had done. He finally stopped and their breath was quick and they struggled to catch up with their breaths.

"You've caught me." She said, smiling. He pulled her closer to him and her heart quickened.

"You know," he said, "I'll always catch you, no matter where you go. I can never let you go."

And in that moment, their happiness, their tears, their pain, their struggle, their hindsight, they became infinite. 


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