The Friend's Boundaries

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Chapter 1.

Trey:Look ima call you back,i got a special guest coming in a few minutes.

Chanel:Oh,is it one of your girlfriends?lol

Trey: No Chanel,she's my study partner for this science project.

Chanel:Well good luck with that.Make sure you're studying the right things if you know what i mean.

Trey:aha,thats funny,bye.

(Chanel is my favorite bestfriend,shes always clowning on me about all these different girls i been getting with. I cant help it though. Being one of the best basketball players at my high school can get you alot of popularity. As of right now,i cant wait for my lil sweetheart Lisa to come over.)

*10 minutes later*

(I heard a knock on the door. Once i opened it,there she was. Standing 5ft tall in a floral skirt. Her beautiful black hair and caramel skin hypnotized me.Her legs were full of shape.She was perfect.)

Lisa:Hey trey *she said in a sweetie voice as she got closer to him*

Trey:Sup babe.

(As i hugged her,her perfume filled my nose with a sexy yet sweet scent. I welcomed her into the house.)

Trey:Lets go upstairs.*licking his lips while grabbing her hand to lead her upstairs.

(We both made it into my room and i could only stare at her butt as she walked past me to put her books down.I walked up behind her.)

Trey:You might wanna take off this jean jacket.Its kinda hot in here ya know. I slowly slid the jean jacket off her smooth skin like butter.I could tell she was feeling me.We both say on the bed. She pulled out her books.

Lisa:So where you wanna start?

Trey:I think i know.

(I scooted closer to her and stared into her soft hazel eyes. I gently rubbed her soft skin as i kissed her shoulder. I kissed my way up to her lips. I say we're both in for a treat ;). I whispered in her ear.)

Trey:You're so beautiful. you know that right?


(She was blushing so hard. This was the right time to go in for the kill.I slowly leaned in to kiss her as my hand slipped up further into her skirt. This wasn't anything new to me. Lisa isn't the only girl thats been in my bed. I know im wrong but hey its just my lifestyle. As i lay on top of lisa kissing her neck,i thought to myself when will i find the one girl that i just dont want sex from.When will i actually find that girl that likes me for me,not just cause i play basketball. My thoughts were cut off once i felt Lisa get on top of me and press her lips against mine. Things took off from there if you know what i mean. I felt no feelings for Lisa afterwards. Honestly,i get tired of the same old thing sometimes.

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