Chapter 7 Dirty Laundry.

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*Lisa's point of view*

(Its 12 in the morning and im laying in my bed waiting for everyone to be asleep. It was almost silent in the house.All I could hear was crickets and the air conditioner running. I got up and quietly made my way downstairs to tiffany's room. I slightly opened her door to see if she was awake. She was knocked out snoring under her sheets. I softly tip toed to her dresser and opened it slowly. I grabbed a pregnancy test and shut the drawer back. I was heading back to the door then all of a sudden i felt a sharp pain in my big toe. I slight cry of pain shot out my mouth before slapped my hand over my mouth. Come to find out i stepped on a freakin tack. As I pulled the tack of my foot, I heard rumbling in the sheets,I stood there in shock to see if my ass was about to get busted. I quietly sighed in relief once I heard her snoring again. I made it out of her room and slightly closed the door. I looked at the bottom of my foot to see blood oozing down. Damn that was close. I got back up into my room and into the bathroom. I read the directions on the box and did just that. It told me to wait 90 seconds to calculate results. I was about 100% sure this test was gonna come out negative. Theres not a chance in hell I could be preg-........I picked up the pregnancy test and my heart slipped right into my stomach. I couldn't breathe for a moment. My eyes couldn't believe what it was seeing. A big plus sign appeared on the screen but a million pictures appeared in my head. Like the reaction my family will have or Trey's reaction. I dropped the test into the sink and collapsed to the floor. I scooted myself into a corner and balled myself up. I began to cry in complete shame. Where the hell could I have went wrong?

*Trey's point of view*

(I woke up on a beautiful saturday morning and 5 text messages from Lisa and about 10 more from other girls. I opened the message box from Lisa that kept saying that we had to talk and it was so called "important". I don't think Lisa is getting the hint that I dont want nothing to do with her ass. I dropped my phone and layed my head back down and exhaled. I started thinking about last night and how well it went. I know who I wanna be with now,but I just have to prove to her just that. Ill start off by cutting off these other girls. They're not worth it anymore. I walked downstairs to a sticky note on the refridgerator from my mom. The note said she'll be back home tommorrow. I don't know what it is but it seems like I havn't seen my mom or talk to her in awhile. She' been acting kinda seperated from me. I threw the sticky note away and went to look for some food. I heard vibration on the counter and I saw Lisa calling me. Getting frustrated,I ignored the call. What could be so damn important to the point where she cant stop calling me?! Since today is saturday, I figured I'd stop by Chanel's job at the mall just to see if she did my favor. About 30 minutes later I walked into Pete's Pizzeria and notice Chanel wiping down tables. I walked up behind her and got close to her ear)


Chanel:*gasp* oh my god,don't do that! and what did I tell you about showing up to my job?

Trey: Look who cares,you're still beautiful even if you are covered in pizza grease *chuckles*

Chanel: Very funny. Do you not know what my boss will do to me if he sees me chatting with a customer?

Trey: Well if it helps,im not going to annoy you for too long. Just wanted to know if you thought about it.

(She paused what she was doing.)

Chanel:..I did...but thats a conversation we can have later on.

Trey:Right,...Guess now ill leave you to your pizza grease.

Chanel:*chuckles* Now get out of here.

(Once I left the pizzeria,I noticed Prodigy at the food court. I told him to meet up with me.)

Trey:Sup man.

Prodigy:Wassup with you is the real question. You tell chanel?

Trey: Yea and...she's just not ready,but im gonna try to change her mind about me.

Prodigy: Sounds like a plan to me. But uh..have you been talking to Lisa lately?

Trey: No.shes been blowing my phone up.

Prodigy:Well shes been blowing me up too trying to get at you. I know she might be a little crazy with these phone calls but you should see wassup just in case its something important.

Trey:Man she either wants two things. Attention or whats in my pants so im tryna focus on 1 right now.

Prodigy:Aight man. If you say so.

*Monday at school*

(Bored as ever,im sitting in English 4 class. Chanel was sitting right in front of me so I just decided to play with her hair. Everytime she turn around,I pretend I was doing something else. She would smile at me and I only kept picking with her just to see her smile. All of a sudden the room became dead silent once Lisa walked into the class late. She looked like she hadn't slept in days. Her hair was wild and crazy. Look like she been through hell and back.)

Eng.Teacher: Ms.Williams,you are late. I expect you to catch up as much as possible.Take your seat please.

(As she walked to her seat,I caught her cold stare. I already know why she could be mad at me but all I've been doing is ignoring her. As much as I don't wanna talk to Lisa, Im curious to know why shes so urgent to talk to me. Once the bell rung, Lisa was the first to get of out the room. Chanel gave me a worried look)

Chanel: Whats wrong with your lil girlfriend?

Trey: I wouldn't know and shes not my girlfriend.

Chanel: Sure shes not. See you 5th period.

(Later on afterschool,I let chanel stay at my basketball practice so I could give her a ride home like always. Coach gave us 5 minute break so I went to get some water. I left my water bottle in the locker room so I headed there.Once I digged through my locker,I found my bottle. All of a sudden I heard a door close behind me. I turned around to see Lisa standing with that stare from earlier and arms folded.)

Trey: So you stalking me now?

Lisa:Why havn't you been answering my calls?

Trey:I've been busy.

Lisa:Oh bullshit!. *stepping closer to him*

Trey:Lisa what the hell do you want?To talk?Sex?Attention?What?

Lisa:I want to talk.

Lisa:*sigh* Trey...I just found out 2 days ago...that im p-p...pregnant.

Trey:*begins laughing*

Lisa:...Im not laughing.

Trey:Let me guess,you were serious?

Lisa:What you think im joking about this?!

Trey:..Come on Lisa,you can do better than that. Lying about being pregnant is not really a clever way to get my attention. Plus,I was strapped.

Lisa: Listen smartass, You're head is so far up Chanel's a-

Trey:Chanel has nothing to do with this.

Lisa:Yes she does. Shes got you wrapped around her damn finger and thats why you've been ignoring me! Because of that bitch!

Trey: Watch your mouth.

Lisa: Im pregnant with you chi-

Trey:You're not pregnant! You really starting to get under my skin with this nonsense. Now move.

(I tried walking past her but she yanked my shoulder forcing me to turn around. She was really testing my patience.)

Lisa: Im not lying to you. *slightly crying*

Trey:Well you know what, next time we meet like this,you better have some kind of proof.

Lisa:The proof is that you're the only one I had sex with!

Trey:I don't believe that.

Lisa: ugh..i hate you.

Trey:im sorry to hear that Lisa,but we both know there were no feelings involved when we had sex. Lets leave it at that.

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