Just Plain Blabbers by kwentonijhingness

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I'm tired of talking about my job so I'll talk about something else this time. Whoever's reading this blog might also be tired of reading the same old shit so... What else can I talk about? Let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about people. What makes us tick? What makes us angry? What makes us care? You know, that's a lot to talk about but since I have an illusion that I have no work today, well, let's give it a shot, shall we?

People fascinate me. In movies, especially in those where we are supposedly interacting with another species, we're always deemed as selfish and weak and greedy and all sorts of negative stuff. I have recently watched Maleficent and I got angry with Stephan. I mean, he cut off her wings just so he could be king! But can I really blame him for having an ambition? I have a dream too. And I want that dream to come true. But I've learned that I also have to compromise so that other people can reach their dreams.

They say that our every action has its repercussions. We can't move without creating a rippling effect. It will echo through the universe and as a result, another person's life will be affected. Whether good or bad effect, it is yet to be determined.

Humans are weak. We are very emotional. We let our hearts rule out our heads. But that's what makes us well... us. I mean, robots can't feel. We can. And because we feel, there is compassion. There is hurt. There is love. Love that destroys and love that builds. Love that is selfish and selfless at the same time. We have different definitions of the word and sometimes words aren't enough to express how it feels to love. You might think it's absurd that people can talk about love so much.

For chrissake, Wattpad's a breeding ground for love, impossible, improbable and irrational love. Jock and nerd, playboy and playgirl, hot guy and average girl. They got it all. And the hopeless romantic readers gobble them all up. They look up to the sky and wonder when such story will happen to them. That's why fairy tales are well-loved and well-known. They're perfect. And perfect is synonymous to impossible. But can we really blame ourselves for hoping?

Being human is hard. You have to survive every day. You have to fight for things and sometimes, more often than you want to, you get hurt. But it doesn't stop us. Because we hope. I, for instance, always look forward for the night. I welcome all the hurt the universe could give me in a day. And when night comes, I'll just sleep through it all. And then I'll welcome the next day with a brave face and open arms, ready to take on the world again.

But it gets kinda tiring, isn't it? And sometimes, you get lost. There's no fulfillment at the end of the day. And you wonder if you've already found your purpose, the reason why you're alive. And sometimes still, you'd wish that life would just pause for a while, that you could take a little moment to just breathe and process what's happening.

But time is such a cruel thing. It waits for no one. And the faster you chase after it, the faster it goes. It runs. It flies, leaving you behind with your tired feet. You will wonder about dying. How they all say that it's peaceful. You wish for contentment. You wish to rest. But then, you will get scared too. What lies beyond death? What if it doesn't really end there? What if you will just suffer the worse?

And so you'll just sit down and listen to songs until you hear the one that best describes your life right now. It would get you. It would just get you. And you'll think how the artist can possibly know what you're going through. But that's the beauty of it. You see, we're all connected somehow. And that connection is evident in songs, in movies, in books, in everything.

You will find someone who thinks and feels like you. You will meet people who you can empathize and sympathize with. And there's no way that you could rationally explain how. It's just the mystery of life. Under the vast blue sky, there are people who would fit the last missing piece, who will complete you, who will define your existence. And when you find them, hold on title. Because Fate is not your friend and though it can be kind, it can also be cruel. It can take away everything.

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