one·trish: summer gathering

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I string along the aisle looking for the cloud-shaped marshmallows which seems to be Liza's only choice for candy. So picky. As I glance down to my list to get the right choice of the sweet, my phone rings.

"Hello" I mutter.

"Trish! Heyyy, it's Liza.... Hey I know that today is a little gathering for summer ending and bla bla but can I bring Connor with me?" Liza says with her soft voice. Speaking of the devil.

I was doing this "gathering" just for us girls, so we can spend some quality time together before school starts. It's not that we won't see each other anymore, it's just that we're all gonna focus on college and SAT's next semester so it will get hard to literary have some "quality time" with my friends if you know what I mean. And we have to comemorate the fact that all of us went through high school with a great reputation and perfect grades. Well, almost everyone.

But I guess this Connor can come.

"Ulghh okay. Come around by 8." I mutter.

"Yay! Thank you Trish you are the besssst. Love you see you later."

I hung up putting my phone back to my pocket. I look down to the last item of the list and walk to find it.

7. Drinks.


"Don't forget to tip the pizza guy, manners are the base of everything." My mom says while walking up to the coat rack.

"Yes mother." I respond.

"And don't put the music to loud, you know Mrs. Sanders-" she starts whilst putting on her jacket, but I interrupt her.

"-likes to put her cats to sleep at 21pm sharp. I know I know. Love you byeee." I literally push my mother to the front door.

"Love you to hun. Don't have TOO much fun." She storms off to the car where my father was already waiting. I wave and close the door.

"Well finally," I mutter to myself.

I go back to the living room where I had been doing a bio research on Types of STD's and other diseases that we will be studying this semester for AP Biology. I close my laptop and gather my books and notebooks and put it in my room.

When I get back I turn the music on, pressing play when "Somewhere in Neverland" by All Time Low appears on the screen.

It was 7:43 pm and my friends where coming very soon. I get the ruffles, cookies and candies off the kitchen table and on the dining table. Then I get the sodas and red cups. After placing the movies beside the DVD, I sat back at the sofa. It was not my first gathering so I know how it goes.

Everyone gets here on the same time practically, just not Sam, because she lives a little bit far from my house so it takes two buses for her to come, but she always does, so yeah. Then we all tell each others news or unmeaningful events that happened but are not as important as it sounds. Then we watch some movies. After the movies, where practically everyone from the neighborhood is already sleeping, we start the "real" fun. I was interrupted from my daydreaming, with a few knocks on the door.

I stand up to get the door and when I open it I see Heather with her Ray-Ban glasses. She was wearing a jeans onesie that came above her knee with a white tee and some blue vans.

"Hiiii," she says cheerfully.

"Heyyy, how's it going? How was Spain?" I ask her whilst letting her in.

"It was fun. They have some very good couisine, and I learned some Flamenco too," she says.

"Wow, that seems exciting." I answer.

"And what did you do this summer-pre-senior-year-aka-last-year-of-our-high-school-and-final-year-to-decide-what-we're-doing-with-our-lives?" she says that rather fast and excited. Impressive.

"Well, know... the same ol' same ol'... going to the beach, a lot of movie theater trips, practicing some new songs... " I finish the sentence giving her a mouth-closed smile.

"Huh, so you spent the whole summer going to the beach and having movie marathons? I highly doubt that." She says rolling her eyes.

I just eye her and go to the kitchen to get the phone and order the pizzas.

Suddenly the door bell rings.

"I'll get that!" Heather screams from the dining room.

A few seconds later I hear the door close. When I get out of the kitchen, I am greated with a very enthusiastic Sam.

"TRISHH- OH MY HOW ARE YOU" She says loudly whilst giving me a bear hug. Damn I've missed her hugs.

"Sam hi... I'm fine thanks what about you? And wow you got here early," I said when I pulled back from her hug. She was wearing a high waisted smudge green shorts and a black blouse with some combat boots.

" I'm good, I'm good..... I visited my family back in South Africa, bought Muffins a new leash and had some summer program classes on biology vet. Yay. And I know right! I got the earlier bus.... It's a new year, new changes. " She answered.

"Own wish I had had some summer classes. I missed the inscription date, I had a doctors appointment on the day." I said. And it was a lie. I had overslept because I had been practicing all night a cover of Teenagers by Greenday.

"Oh well, you can still do some AP classes over the semester to get some extra points for college." She said with a shrug.

The doorbell rang one more time and I went to get it.

When I opened the door, Liza, a mid-height, tanned looking boy, who I assume is Connor and a very irritaded Zoey were standing outside. Liza was wearing a strapped black dress and some boots. Connor was wearing a blue v-neck with jeans and sneakers. He looked like a fine young man. Zoey was wearing a black skirt with a black crop-top and a flannel to finish the look. She has always been the most punk rocky from all of us, but it's Zoey so we kinda get it.

"Hiiiiiii" Liza said giving me a side hug. "Trish this is Connor. Connor this is my bestfriend Trish."

He gives his hand for me to shake and I do, following by a small smile. He was a very good looking guy, I have to admit that.

"Wassup," he mutters.

"Hi." I answer. Then I turn to Zoey. "Heyy Zoey, how are you?

"Just get me away from these two ulgh," She says whilst entering the house.

I just chuckle.

Now that everyone has finally come, we sit at the sofa waiting for the pizza and the movie.

"AWN you got me my favorite marshmallows!!!! Iloveyousomuch," She says whilst munching on a piece of the candy.

"I know I know," I say waving a hand dismissevely.

The pizza guy came at about 10 minutes later and then we all sat down to watch the movie.



hey I know it looks a little bit boring but I promise you it will get good.

and btw Ashley frangipane aka halsey aka my spirit animal will be playing Trish

and this chapter is dedicated to @pocahontasmind BC shes one of my Babes and she encouraged me to start writing so yeah (I love you nanda)

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