- = + = - T w e n t y - T h r e e - = + = -

497 10 2

-=+=- Will's POV-=+=-

I woke up feeling refreshed. Its Saturday, the day after my suicide attempt. The third attempt. All fails. Im going to have to stay alive. I dont have a choice now that school is over. Jordan is going to be by my side everyday. Im excited, but at the same time scared. What if he leaves me, or stops loving me. I push away those thoughts. "Whatcha thinking about?" I hear Jordan ask. I smile. "You. Me. Us." I turn so im facing Jordan. "What do you mean?" "If you leave, or if you stop loving me. What will happen to me." He frowns. "Will, I will never leave you. I will never ever stop loving you." I smile at his reassuring words. "I will never stop loving you, either." He smiles. I lean in and place a small kiss on his nose. He giggles. "Your cute." I say. He blushes. "Your cuter." I smile and he places his soft lips on mine. Our lips move slowly in sync. During the kiss, I hear my mums clanky shoes. I pull away from Jordan and face the door.

My mum comes running into my room with a cupcake, along with a candle with the numbers 18 on it. Shit. I forgot todays my birthday. My mum starts singing happy birthday and I just blush and hide my head into Jordans chest. I hate birthdays. I hear Jordans hot morning voice join along. I groan in Jordans shirt. "Happy birthday dear Will. Happy birthday to you!!" I giggle. I move my head so im visible to Jordan and my mum. "Happy birthday sweetie." My mum comes over and kisses my forehead. "Thanks." I mumble. I turn to face Jordan and he has a smirk on his face. "Happy birthday princess." I blush. "Thanks Jor." He leans in and kisses me passionately. I kiss back, melting into the kiss. "Okay boys, you can make out when im gone, just eat your cupcake." My mum giggled. We pulled away and sat up. My mum handed me the cupcake and I blew out the candles when I made my wish. "What did you wish for?" I hear Jordan ask. "You." He laughs. "You already have me." "I know. Just us to be together forever." Jordan smiles and pecks my lips. "Well I have to head off to work. Ill pick you guys up when im out. Your released today." I nod and my mum leaves.

I turn back to Jordan. "What are we going to do to celebrate your birthday?" Jordan asks me. "Cuddle." I respond, burying my head into Jordan chest once again. "We can cuddle, but im taking you our for your birthday." I sigh. "You dont have to." "I want to." I smile. "Im not going to win this am I?" "Nope." We both laugh and sit together cuddling.

The whole day me and Jordan watched tv, or had some make out sessions. My mum came and picked us up. We left the hospital and I shudder. "We know Will. You hate hospitals." Jordan says before I say anything. We all giggle and get into the car. The ride home was quiet but it wasnt and uncomfortable quiet. Me and Jordan were holding hands in the back and I had my head rested on his shoulder. I slowly dozed off.

I woke up to see I was in my bedroom. Jordan wasnt with me, He probably had to go home to check in. I was in pajamas. Jordan dressed me? Okay then. I laugh at the thought of him changing me. Wouldnt that be hard? I dont care. I get up and see I have a note beside my bed. I pick it up.

Dear Will,

I had to go home to check in. Also im getting ready for your birthday date. Get yourself in some nice clothes. Ill pick you up at 6. Be ready for one of the best nights of your life.

Love Jordan.

I smile. How did I get so lucky? I look at the time. 5:30. He'll be here in a half an hour. I go to my closet and look at the few clothes I have. I look and find my button up. I place all of my clothing in the bathroom and slip in the shower. I quickly take one, knowing Jordan will be here soon. I get out and dry myself. I look at the time. 5:40. I get clothed. I have my button up, a pair of black jeans, and my black vans. I brush my teeth and fix my hair. I hope this is what you should look like on a date. By the time I finish, there was a knock at the door. I run to the door to find Jordan and my mum talking. I slowly walk and Jordan notices me. "Hey princess." I blush. "Hello my prince." We both giggle. "Okay Will see you later. Stay out of trouble." She winked at me and I shoot her a playful glare. I leave out the door with Jordan and he opens the car door for me. What a gentlemen. "Why thank you my prince." "No problem princess." I blush and Jordan gets in, starting up his car. 

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