- = + = - T h i r t y - F i v e - = + = -

283 15 23

-=+=-Will's POV-=+=-

I hear the front door open. I get my lazy ass off the couch and walk to the door. I surprised at who I see. "KATIE!" I run to Katie, a huge smile plastered on my face. I slam into her and pull her into a big bear hug. "WILL!" We both giggle and pull away. I see Jordan and kiss his cheek. "Well come in Katie, make yourself at home!" "Thanks Will." 

We all walk in and sit on the couch. We sit there for hours on end, catching up on each others lives. It feels nice to finally talk to Katie again. Theres so much to tell her and so much to learn from her. "So Will, what are your thoughts on getting married?" She eyes me. "I would love to, I just need to keep working on my job to be able to do that." She nods and Jordan smiles. 

I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. All this talking is making me tired. "Okay well I got to get going. Jordan your my ride." We all laugh and we all stand up. I hug Katie tightly and watch as they both leave. "Also Will. Im taking you on a when I come back so be ready!" I smirk. "Okay I will." I kiss his cheek as he leaves with katie. Not its the time to get dressed.

I go into my closet and roam through the many shirts and pants I have. Black jeans and a white tee, nah. A red shirt, black jeans. YES! I smile and go into the bathroom, fixing my hair. I make sure it curls the perfect way across my forehead. I smile as I look good for like the first time. I grab a grey hat and put it on backwards. Even more perfect! 

I head back down stairs and wait while watching criminal minds. It takes him about 30 minutes until I hear the car door slam and the door open. "Hey beautiful." He comes up to me and kisses me. "Hello my prince." We smile at each other. "Let me get dressed and then we can go on our date." I nod and kiss his cheek.

I continue to watch criminal minds until I hear Jordan walk into the room. He was wearing a white tee with a Black blazer also black jeans. I smirk as I notice there skinny jeans. I grab my vans and slip them on, Jordan grabbing his vans and slipping them on also. He grabs my hand and walks me to the car. He releases it when we get close to the door and him being the gentle man he is, opens the door for me. "Why thank you my prince." He playfully glares at me and replys "Your welcome." He closes the door and runs to the drivers side. 

He puts in the key and the ignition roars. "Where are we going?" I ask as he pulls out of the driveway. "Its a surprise." I whine. "Why is every date have to be a surprise." "Because I love seeing your reaction to the surprises." I blush and look at my lap, then back to Jordan. I smile at his beautiful features. I intertwined our hands together and face forward. Prepared for what is to come.

We get to a very nice resturant. I get out quickly, running to Jordans door. I open it for him as he turns the car off. "Hey thats my job!" I giggle as he gets out. I close the door behind him. We walk in hand in hand and Jordan says our reservation. The waitress guides us to a table and we sit. We order our drinks and sit and wait. "So hows work?" "Good. Its pretty stressful but good." He smiles and kisses my cheek. I blush and he giggles.

We get our drinks and order our dinner. "Can I get the spaghetti please." "You sure can." What would you like. The waitress points her attention to me. "Ill get the spaghetti also." "Okay we will get that to you soon!" "Thank you." We both say in sync. We both laugh. We sit and laugh and joke about random things that arent even funny, but are to us.

Our food arrives and we both enjoy a wonderful dinner. We sit there for a few minutes talking and waiting for the bill. She comes over and puts it down We look at each other and then both race to it. I get so close but Jordan beats me to it. "God dammit Jordan." He laughs and pulls out a 20 and a 10 and puts it in the bill slot. We get up and go back to the car, this time us both opening our own doors.

I thought we were going home but we ended up going to the beach. I smile as we lay on a sheet in the sand. The sun sets each minutes getting lower and lower. Jordan has his arm around me and my heads tucked into his neck, one eyes just peeking out to the water and sun. The light reflecting off of the water hits Jordans face just perfectly. It makes my heart flutter.

I focus on the sound of the waves and Jordans heart beat. I smile as its the perfect pace. I start tapping my thigh at the heart beat. I feel Jordan smile and he squeezes my shoulder. I close my eyes and continue the tapping beat. I kiss Jordans shirt between his two nipples, directly on his heart. He kisses the top of my head. I see a bunch of people crowd on the beach, but we dont even care. Some people give us dirty looks, but that doesnt matter.

We were relaxing and out of nowhere, music starts playing. Jordan and I get up, me looking confused and Jordan having a big smirk on his face. People come and start dancing infront of us.

'And I cant change! Even if I tried, even if I wanted toooo!'

Tears start forming in my eyes as the dance progresses. They get closer and closer. What happens next surprises me. Jordan joins in. He sings along. My hands clamp over my mouth, tears are flowing like rain out of clouds. I watch as everyone surrounds us and many people are surprise and watch with joy. 

The song is at the last verse and Jordan comes close. He grabs my hands and stares into my teary eyes. I stare into his beautiful green eyes. The music turns down, but still you can hear it.

"Will. I dont even know where to start. Lets just say that im glad that each time that you tried to kill yourself, was such the worst time for me, for you, for us both. Honestly I couldnt imagine my life without you. You bring such a sparkle to my life and without you, life wouldnt be the same." More tears have made there way out and have fallen into the sheet. Jordan stares at me for a few mores second and gets down on one knee. He takes away his glance to grab a small box out of his pocket. He looks at me again, the look of love and passion filled his eyes, also the look of forever.

"Will Kiingtong. Would you do me the biggest honor and marry me?" My heart races and I nod my head viscously. He jumps up and places the ring on my finger. I gasp at its beauty. He pulls out another box and places the same ring on his finger. I lift his head from looking at his hand and slam my lips into him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. The salty tears that are coming out of both of our eyes, mix in the kiss.

Pulling away, cheers and applause are ringing all around us. I smile and let out a little chuckle. The crowd leaves and the only people that are left is Jordan and I. I look around but spot Katie. She comes running up to us and pulls us into a big hug, her in tears also. "Congratulations!" We smile and she shows the camera in her hand. "You recorded it?" I ask. "Yes indeed. I never want to forget this memory." "Thank you." "Wait you guys had this planned?" They both nod. "Thats why we went out this afternoon. The dancers were hired when Jordan went to drop me off." "OMG thank you!" She nods and kisses my cheek after the hug.

Later on, Kaite leaves and the sun had set. We pack up and head home. We shower and change into our pajamas. We lay in bed, snuggled together like we were on the beach. "Jordan." "Hmm?" "I love you." "I love you too." I focus on his heart beat. I feel him breathing unsteady. I look up and see him sobbing. "Whats the matter boo?" "I just love you and the thought of loosing you kills me." I caress his cheek. "Youll never loose me."He smiles.

"Even though im unsteady."



Yes this is the end to unsteady, but there will be a sequel made soon. I need ideas for a title!!! Please leave them in the comments!!

Anyways a little announcement. As some of you may have seen, I have deleted My Bracelets. The reason is I have so many ideas and I want to focus on two storys right now and thats going to be the sequel and Cut. Its the new story im making!!! Check it out if you want!!!

Anyways thats all!!! See you all in the update and sequel!!

Goodbye my drpeppers!!!

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Comment some titles for the sequel!!



Unsteady- Kiani (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now