Chapter 5- Welcome to the New Age

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I'm breaking in, shaping up, then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse (Woah)
I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my system blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age  

Imagine Dragons- Radioactive


The shrill sound of sirens surrounded my ears, blocking out the constant chattering of the neighbors and police officers. A blanket was wrapped around me, but I didn't feel the chilliness in the air. 

I knew I killed someone, but I didn't feel any remorse or any need to cry. I killed Mark Young and I was stupidly proud. He killed two people I considered younger brothers. They knew the deep dark scars I kept hidden on my arms. They kept me company when I was lonely. They were two of the three bright stars in my dull life. And he ended their long lives with a single bullet each.

The sun hadn't set yet, but it was almost time. I saw the faces of the neighbors as they openly peeked through the curtains and blinds. Ond of them had called the police, because I sure as heck didn't. They didn't know what happened and they didn't know I killed their 'sweet' neighbor. And so they looked at me with concern and pity, because they believed he was the perfect caring parental figure in my life.

The paramedics treated my head wound but before they could examine me farther and find the marks he put on my skin, an officer cuffed me and led me to a police car. I refused to open my mouth despite the confusion running through my aching head. I knew I needed to plan out what I was going to say before I should because anything could jeapordize me. And if I went to jail, Luna would be alone with a new foster family. The officer pushed me in the back seat and shut the door, blocking out any noise from outside. I had a mask on my face like always when I was in public or with people who didn't know me personally. 

I looked out the tinted windows onto the scene. I know what this looked like. Like I murdered both Mark and the Trouble Tunes. Luna wasn't back yet from the mandatory school trip that Mark was forced to send her to. She'd be back in two days. Until then, this mess better be cleaned up.

The police ran around the house and parameter, looking for evidence, suspects and witnesses. People rushed in and out of the house before two stretchers led by four officers each came out of the house into two separate ambulances. I knew, I just did, that it was the Trouble Tunes. 

My mind drifted until I landed on the two most important questions I could ask. Could I see Luna now? Would they let me?

I sighed and drifted off until I was half asleep for almost an hour before the door slammed open. My eyes opened immediately, the small noise waking me after years of practice. The sleepiness dissipated from my eyes after I blinked once and was replaced by an impassive expression as I faced the officer who opened the door.

"Get out kid," he said, an obvious look of irritation planted on his sharp features. He held out an arm for me to help me out when he saw the handcuffs. Ignoring him, I twisted and jumped out of the car to view the filled scene. 

The scene was filled with FBI agents that flaunted their uniforms and badges. Why were the FBI here? What did they want with this case? Why the heck was it their priority.

The officer, Nixon I read on the name tag, handed me my uncuffed handcuffs and the keys gruffly before driving away in the squad car. I threw the cuffs on the ground and stepped on them with my heels before walking in the direction I was looking at, leaving the cheap metal and key behind.

I approached a group of people and stood behind my target, making sure I had a smirk planted on my face before tapping his shoulder. He turned and I only had time to see his hazel sharp eyes before I kneed him in the southern region causing him to flinch but stay in the exact place he was before, the pain not evident anywhere on his face.

What the heck?

Frustrated, he decided to put a smirk on that matched mine in every way although mine didn't waver at his lack of emotion. He was obviously trained extremely well. "Padding. I expect this kind of thing regularly, I'm afraid."

Behind him, his friends gaped at both of us as some of the others snickered quietly to themselves. Tilting my head to look at them properly, their obvious expressions melted and were replaced by a blank slate.


"You're not FBI," I decided, letting the corners of my smirk become bigger.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," He said, the smirk firmly planted on his face. Any expression except for the smirk was wiped off his face. Another snicker sounded from behind him. Though it was abnormally quiet but my ears picked up on it. Aiden's smirk fell a little as he whirled around, inhumanly hearing it, and barked, "What's so funny?"

The girl behind him, about two years older then him then me had no problem answering him, even if he acted scarily intimidating. "No one's been able to land a surprise hit on you like that," she supplied. "It reminds me of when you first came in."

I didn't have to see his face, which was turned away from me, to know he was shooting a red hot glare at her. She cringed, though it was a small, barely noticeable gesture and it occurred to me that he was the top dog.

Look at the little boy growing up. Would you like a medal with that? 

"Your uniform's on wrong," I stated. He whirled around impassively, cocking an eyebrow at me as if he forgot I was standing there. "And why would the FBI take over a case that the local police should be looking over? Also, half these people are younger then both of us. And I'm two months away from eighteen. Also, that badge your college behind you has? Yeah, it says Secret Service instead of FBI."

I wasn't called a nerd at SilverLeaf High for no reason.

I leaned forward, letting the smirk drop into my impassive look. "Unless, of course, Mark Young worked for the government or something similar. I don't see why you guys are interested in him."

Aiden Jake Thompson leaned back, giving me room to step away from him before he dropped his raised eyebrow and smiled. A real, authentic smile.

"It's not him we're interested in Amber Ryder."

A/N: I wish something interesting could happen in my life.

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