Chapter 14- We All Down For The Fight

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Brothers by my side, city on my back, real heroes
That's what the people want
They ain't born, gotta create 'em
Sayin' we gone as soon as we save 'em
That's part of the plan.

Juicy J- Shell Shocked


There was dead silence over the comm link, making the rushing wind surrounding me at the height I was on sound like the loudest thing there. It was only till the trucks moved forward and parked parallel to each other that I realized my position here wasn't helping. I abandoned the sniper and perched on a branch, before dropping eight-teen feet to the ground. I landed in a crouch, and managed to make out silent footsteps that could only belong to Aiden.

I whipped out my handguns, clicking the safety off and putting them back in my holsters, not bothering with the safety. Turning toward the roof, I let a frown cross my features when I didn't spot the people I had my eye on just before seeing them supervising the TrianOut truck unloading.


I spotted her auburn hair from a kilometer away, even in the midnight black the sky was giving off, and seeing her two minutes later didn't stop my heart from skipping a beat. I made out her slightly narrowed eyes when she turned to talk to the unidentifiable black-haired individual. Her bodysuit hugged her curves and outlined thin muscles that flexed every time she passed on a box to have it's contents checked. Her black hair was in heavy curls that reached her shoulders giving her a Natasha Romanoff appearance. She bent down, her hair falling to her face, revealing a shiny pair of A earrings.


"I see Hoffmann and Dale," Aiden whispered from behind me. He shuffled around, doing something I couldn't be bothered with while my wandering eyes searched for any sign of Dale's graying hair. Sure enough, there he stood spitting madly in some worker's face while making exaggerated hand movements. Tyrone- or Finn, as I should call her now -now stood far behind him, talking to what looked like Hoffmann in a soft manner.

It was only then I realized the similarities between the two, just as Hoffmann placed a good-willed hand on Finn's shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. I calculated their age difference. putting only five years give or take. Both their auburn hair had graying at the end and was oily and sweat-ridden, clinging desperately to both their faces. I took notice of their features and similarities, eventually taking out my phone and snapping a quick shot of the "colleagues" embrace.

The both snapped their heads to us, untangling their limbs and searching with their similar grey eyes in the dark. We were fully embraced in the shadows, swallowing us whole. I didn't expect anything less from them, knowing they could spot a sound like that a mile away. My cellphone light was dim, an the tree that we had taken cover behind helped hide the remaining light.

"You don't look anything like Tyrone," I noticed, throwing a fist at Alina who grabbed it and shoved. I stayed anchored in my spot, the shove not doing anything to move me, and started to circle her.

"Yeah, we have black hair deep in my mom's family tree. My dad used to have blonde hair. He worked for the government until he was killed in a robbery or somethin'," She said, circling me as well. "My mom and aunt have auburn hair though."

I didn't answer, instead taking note of how her voice raised an octave at the mention of her aunt. Tyrone mentioned having a sister in little detail. Maybe something happened?

I shoved the thought away as Alina sent a kick my way and I moved to catch it, continuing on with the fight.

"So what you're saying," Aiden said, a shadow falling on his features. Despite the dark I could still see the corners of his mouth twisted up in a frown. He had contacted 553 who were probably listening in right now. "Is that your ex-trainer is the director of TrianOut and the sister of Hoffmann?"

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