My short story/poem/thing I don't know why the hell I wrote.

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In the dark winter snow

On that dark winter night

Sat a tiny young girl

Sobbing in fright

Her hands were in shackles

Cutting deep into her skin

She'd been trapped there for quite a while

And was becoming quite thin

The girl didn't understand

What she'd done to deserve this

So she sat in the dark

thinking of all the things she'd miss

Her mother,

Her father,

All those older siblings,

she'd loved to bother

But with a shocking realization

The girl produced a thought

'Though it's obvious I'm missing,

why am I not being sought?'

So the tiny girl cried harder

her thoughts turning dark

And she died that night

in the shed of the abandoned park

Her parents found her body

the very next day

And they sat down beside her

deciding they'd stay

Their reasoning was abnormal

their actions not acting quite right

they wanted to see

how their daughter had felt on the previous night

So they sat in the shed

until they too became thin

They spoke not a word

their own thoughts becoming dim

And they sat in the same corner

on an identical cold winter night

as they thought of their daughter

who'd cried sobbing in fright

For these parents had not been looking for her

she'd simply been found

Lying dead,

on the hard wooden ground

Tears leaked from their eyes

as they thought of their mistake

because the theif had been hired

to take the girl from the house by the lake

The couple died that night,

smiles lighting their faces that stared straight ahead

because they never really cared

that their daughter was dead.

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