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A/N: First off let me just be honest. There will be times when I label one of the one shots 'Brie and Roman' Or 'Aj and Sasha' or something like that. If I do that,It means I don't know the actual ship name. If you know it then please tell me. I'm sorry by the way in advance for that. I'm just a forgetful person and yeah,I probably have already heard those people's ship names but I usually forget them if I'm not really into them. Just let me know in the comments if you know the couple's actual ship name.

I am writing this (It's technically another one shots book) because I have to admit,There are quite a lot of ships I'd love to write for but I can't think of a story with an actual good plot to write for them and I don't wanna try to create one that won't be good. So by making this book,I'll be able to write for them whenever I want to without going through the trouble of trying to make an actual story for them. (It'd just come out horrible if I tried but maybe in the future I'll create a story for one of my ships. It'll be when I finish a few of my other books.)


I,Of coarse,Have my own ideas. That's why I'm gonna write these. BUT everyone has an OTP and everyone has a scenario in their head that they wouldn't mind reading about. Please request! Just comment or (Even better) PM me and I'll get right on it!

I have to warn you guys though.

I'm only writing OTP one shots,Meaning they have to be in the WWE. I won't write one shot's for let's say,Yourself and Roman Reigns. Not being rude,But this is strictly for OTPs.

If,However,You want me to write for let's say,Cm Punk,Drew galloway,Justin Gabriel,Kaitlyn,ETC. People have already left the WWE,That's fine. I'll do that. But I just wanna warn you guys now I'M ONLY WRITING OTP ONE SHOTS AND IMAGINES.

As usual,I really love getting comments so please leave your thoughts below. If you wanna fangirl in the comments feel free,Be my guest,I will most likely be fangirling with you. If you're flipping every single one of your shits because I wrote a one shot for Ambraige and you wanna write 17,all caps comments to show your love to the couple,I am not judging you. You are me and I am you. We're doing the same thing. I promise.

Votes are,As well,Always appreciated so thank you for those too.

If I make a spelling error or write something that doesn't make sense,Please let me know. Don't be shy. I always wanna make my books enjoyable for the people who are reading and to do that it has to make sense. I can't stand reading books with lots of mistakes and I'm sure you guys hate it too so let me know,Please. I spell check and double read but usually there's a mistake that stays in there. If you catch it please let me know. (This goes for my other books as well)

And last thing. Please,Please,PLEASE do not comment on a one shot that you don't like. (No,I love critique. If you think something could've been written better,If you think the one shot wasn't all that good then let me know so I can know to try to get better.) I'm talking about if you're a hardcore Ambreigns shipper and hate the thought of Ambrollins even being a thing,Please don't comment on a Ambrollins one shot saying 'Ew I hate this ship and it's fans,This is the worst ship ever,Delete this it's gross' ETC.

Why? Because it (Obviously) offends that ship's fans. Not everyone ships the same thing and that's perfectly okay,But don't be negative about it. I'll always have the one shots labeled so you can tell who it'll be about. If you know you don't like a certain ship,Then feel free to skip it.


Alright,I won't bore you guys anymore I think that's about it. Just,Slide into my PM and request as many one shots & imagines as you wish. XX

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