Baron Corbin/Alexa Bliss

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A/N: I have a (Not so) recent obsession with Baron Corbin (And he and Alexa Bliss together is golden). I don't know why. Maybe it's the tattoos. Maybe it's his ability to easily demolish people ¯\_()_/¯ Either way, I love him so, Here.

Baron watched closely as the tiny woman walked backstage looking smug after her long match. The other girls backed away from her instead of congratulating her on her big win, Causing her to frown deeply. She'd just won the smackdown women's championship and nobody could bother to even pretend to be happy for her? Nobody could thank her for saving the god damn women's division from that Orange haired, 'Lass kickin' Freak, Becky Lynch? Fine. They were all just jealous that it was her who got the job done and not them.

She scoffed at them before strolling past them, And Baron, Who was still watching closely. He didn't really know what to say to her. He admittedly hadn't been paying much attention to what had been going on with her or anyone else for that matter. He had a routine. Go to the arena, Wrestle whoever his unlucky opponent of the night was, Cut whatever promo he needed to, And then return to his house to be in peace. He didn't have time to keep tabs on anybody's personal lives or even their storylines. Yet still, Was he crazy? Was he remembering things wrong? Didn't Alexa, Who he admittedly used to be kind of sort of close to, Have blue dye in her hair? Didn't she used to wear a tutu and dance around the ring all happy like? Wasn't she the girl who went around sprinkling sparkles and glitter and pixie dust and happiness all around?

There was no forgetting Alexa, And there was no mixing her up with anybody else. No, She was the only girl capable of being, What? Ninety pounds, filled up to the very top, With adorableness and uncontainable rage all in one. She was one of a kind.

Baron shook his head and slowly walked in the direction she had gone, Because his locker room was in the same direction, Of course. He couldn't help but wonder when she'd dyed her hair red and started snarling at people in the hallways. When did she get so mean?

"Baron!" He heard a sweet voice call. "Baron!"

Having just lost a big match only about twenty minutes ago, He wasn't in the mood to be around anyone and he certainly wasn't in the mood to hold a conversation with anyone, Especially not someone as cheery as Alexa, Who's voice he could recognize from a mile away.

"Baron, Wait!" He heard the voice whine. "I'm too tired to chase after you and you know you're too tall for me to keep up with!" She lectured. Baron stopped walking and he didn't know why. He sighed a little, Not turning to face her, But he listened closely as her footsteps got closer, And once he could see her out of the corner of his eye, He kept on walking.

"Did you see my match? I think it was really good! The crowd was pretty into it, And I did that move that you showed me. They loved it!" She talked quickly, Losing her breath on some of her words because she was still tired from her match, And from trying to keep up with Baron. "You saw it right?" She went back to her initial question, Causing Baron to stop in his tracks and finally look down at her. She wore a bright smile, As usual, And he noticed that her eyes sparkled even more than the actual glitter that was all over her outfit and skin.

He sent her a small smile, Or, Well, Really it was just a grimace but at least he tried. "No, I didn't see it. I'll watch it later, though." He mentally snorted at himself. Usually, when he told someone he'd go back and watch their match, He was lying through his teeth. Actually, He rarely ever told anyone he'd watch their match because people knew not to ask. But he wasn't lying now. He really would remember to watch it, Later.

"Okay!" She smiled. "What's got you so mopey? Mopier than usual, I mean." She giggled, Now skipping along with him as he started to walk again. "I didn't win my match." He muttered, Wondering to himself why he'd even answered that question. It wasn't anybody's business. But he knew she'd bug him until he did give her some sort of answer, Because, for whatever reason, She cared about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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