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Get up out your seat...

// Seth //

I sat and watched in amusement as one of the girls across the bar danced with her friends. She had had only three drinks so I doubt she's too drunk,But she's obviously quite tipsy. I know it's a little odd to be watching a random woman from afar in a bar. Some might call it a bit...Stalkerish. But I have no bad intentions! I just can't take my eyes off her.

She isn't like anything I've seen before. She has beautifully pale skin,Long black hair,The cutest smile,And from what I saw earlier when she passed by me to go to the restroom,She has big beautiful brown eyes. Much like my own,But ten times more attractive to look at than mine.

I have no idea what it is about her that attracts me to her. Of coarse I think she's beautiful,Anyone in the room can see that. But what is it that makes this random woman unable to escape my mind? I think it's her smile. I enjoy seeing her smile. I get all good vibes from her. She seems like a generally happy person and that makes me happy.

I blush and look down,Noticing that I'd stared a few seconds too long. Her and her friends noticed and she stared right back at me.

A few seconds later,A hand was propped on my table. I look up again,Noticing that it was her. My breath catches in my throat. She's even prettier up close. Her dark make up does her features justice.

"Hi." She smiles.

I gulp. Why am I doing this? Why am I so nervous and shy all of a sudden?

I'm not a guy known for my innocence. In fact,The word innocence isn't really in my vocabulary. If I'm honest I've had plenty of past experiences with girls. Why should this one be any different?

"Hi." I mumble.

"I saw you staring at me." She smirks. She has a British accent,Her voice soft and cute. Jesus she's perfect. "Um sorry." I blush. She shrugs. "It's okay. You're pretty handsome you know." 

"Thanks. You are too." I smile. "I-I mean you're nice looking too. I mean beautiful." I stutter. She giggles and pushes her hair behind her shoulder. "Well I think I'm gonna go get a drink-"

"Take my drink." I say handing it to her. "And lets dance." I smirk.


"So,Of all the songs this is our song." Paige laughs as she shuffles her feet around. Me and her were in the middle of the large circle,Our friends dancing all around us as well. "People are getting turned up. This is my type of wedding." She smirks.

"And you're my type of girl." I smile. "I'm glad I married you."

"I'm glad you stared me down in that club three years ago." She giggles. "At first I was expecting to just get laid. But I'm glad that isn't what happened." She says wrapping her harms around my neck. I sigh and shake my head. "Well It would've been nice if we'd had sex that night. But I suppose you throwing up on me and then taking over my bed was nice enough..." I chuckle as she hits my shoulder softly and blushes.

"I'm sorry!" She yells. "I suck at holding in my drinks."

I roll my eyes at her and stick out my tongue. Thank god things worked out the way they did.


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