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A/N: Requested by BrittanyWWE I am so sorry for the long wait by the way! I hope you enjoy!

"Dean!" Alexa yelled angrily as she stormed through the hotel halls. "Come out come out wherever you are!" She taunted. She knew he couldn't be far. He was probably somewhere lurking in the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to come out and cause her more trouble.

She didn't know what she'd done to the asshole,But he was out to get her. Every chance he got he was pulling some stupid prank on her or getting her into trouble with Triple H and Stephanie. He'd been spreading rumors about her too. 

Alexa thought that coming up to the main roster would be the best thing that could ever happen to her,And as much as she's enjoying being on TV and getting her name even more known than it already was,She just can't ignore the thorn in her side,Otherwise known as Dean Ambrose.

Since the first day she started touring with the superstars and divas,He's managed to suck the fun out of her experience. Always making snide comments and giving backhanded compliments,Always poking fun of her looks or the things she says,Always trying to make her look bad in front of everybody.

And why? That's what bothered her the most. She just couldn't figure out why.

She'd never said anything bad to him. Never talked about him to anybody,Never did anything wrong to him. As a matter of fact,He was her favorite superstar. She loved to watch him in the ring and she loved listening to his promos. So why was he being so rude to her? 

"Dean!" She called out again,Sounding even more exasperated than last time. This time he'd managed to make her look bad in front of an entire room of superstars AND her bosses,Including Vince. 

They'd been called into a meeting about the newest plans for everybody and towards the end of the meeting,Dean had made a comment about Alexa needing to be sent right back down to NXT. Of coarse,No one paid him much attention at first,But when he started dropping 'Facts' about all her recent 'Botched moves', People started listening.

So she'd messed up a move or two because of nerves,So she's stuttered over a word or two when doing her promo,So what? Everybody makes mistakes. Even he screws up every now and then!

This was the final straw. She could deal with him being rude for absolutely no reason but she couldn't deal with him trying to get her sent back down to NXT for nothing. She's worked for a very long time to be on the main roster and there's no way in hell she's going to let him ruin her chance at success.


"Stop yelling woman." Dean growled,Appearing in front of her face. He stood too close for her liking so she quickly stepped back,Causing a small smirk to appear on his face. She didn't have time to ask him where he even came from,She just started the little speech she'd prepared in her mind while she was looking for him.

"Look,I don't know what your problem is with you,But what you did in there was not cool. If you want to make rude comments about me every time I step into a room,Fine. If you think bad of me and don't like me,That's fine too. But telling my bosses that I don't belong here? That's definitely not fine. I'm working really hard and doing the best I can and I'm still learning so yeah,Maybe sometimes I make a few mistakes but who doesn't? I'm not perfect,Obviously-"

She was surprised when he grabbed her face and planted a small,Sloppy kiss on her lips. Her eyes widened and she stared up at him,Her mouth opened and forming an 'O' shape. "Wha-What?" She stuttered.

She knew he was a lunatic on screen but she didn't think he'd be crazy off screen too. Clearly she thought wrong. Why would he kiss her? He doesn't know her well enough to do that. He was acting like he didn't like her so why in the hell would he kiss her?

"I needed to shut you up." He shrugged. "Look,Maybe I stepped out of line in there but-"

"But what?!" She cuts him off,Starting to feel a little irritated. That kiss threw her into a deeper hole of confusion than the one that she was already in before. What the hell was this guy thinking? Is he drunk?

"Look." He sighs,Rubbing at his temple with his taped up hands. "Do you know what I think?" He asks. She doesn't answer. "I think we should settle our differences by having dinner tonight." He grins.

"I don't have any-Excuse me?" She cuts herself off. "Dinner?" She asks. "Tonight?"

"That's what I just said." He stated simply.

"Well...I don't-You can't do that. You can't act like you don't like me and then ask me out on a date-"

"I didn't ask you out on a date." He smirks. "I asked you to grab some dinner with me later on tonight. As...Friends? Not enemies? Whatever. Now I'm gonna let you decide what you want this to be. If you wanna be friends then lets do that. If you wanna be more,I'm cool with that too." He explains,Shrugging. "Either way,I get to have dinner with a pretty girl." He winks.

He pats her shoulder softly and then turns to walk away,Not giving her any more chances to object.

What just happened? She was just kissed and then asked out to dinner by a lunatic. And he just called her pretty.

"I have a headache." She mumbles to herself before walking off in the other direction.

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