Chapter VII: The Tragedy

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"Hmmm, who could I ask?" she thought while running through the forest and then it came to her. "Yeah, I'll ask Xianite! She is his mother after all." The forest started to thin and there she saw the castle. She was panting when she finally got to the door. Ringing the bell as loudly as she could while thinking over in her head on what to say. Xianite opened the door.

"Oh my, you look like you've seen a ghost, dear," she said warmly. "Xianite, sorry for bothering you but I've got some bad news," Alysanne said sadly. "Come inside and tell me then." They walked into the dining hall. "Okay, go on then," she told Alysanne. "Well... I met your son Daemian and he saved my life from Ianite's guards. We talked for a while and he said I could watch him do a ritual, so we went to the ring of stones. He was nearly done the ritual when there was an explosion on the altar. There was a fire and Dianite came out of it and took him and..." she trailed off. "And what?" Xianite said worriedly. Alysanne placed Daemian's scarf and his book or sorcery ok the table.

"Oh no," she cried. "I don't know if he's dead or just teleported," she explained. "There is a fair chance he's only been teleported, but I'm not quite sure," she said more to herself then to Alysanne. Suddenly, they heard a buzzing noise like a bee. Xianite went over to the cabinet and took out a small mirror. "I have your son and there's nothing you can do to persuade me not to do it. He'll be slain in about one minute or so. See you later my favorite sister," the mirror said in Dianite's voice. "We have to get there quickly," Xianite said angrily. "Well this might be the only time I'll use it so hold onto my arm," she told Alysanne. She grabbed onto her arm as soon as she told her to. The light started to dim and her stomach felt like it was tossed from side to side. The light started brightening after a few seconds. She looked around her and saw that they were by the sea on causeway stones and just about twenty meters from them was Dianite, Daemian and a person she had never seen before.

In Dianite's hand she saw a white ball of light with lightening bolts coming out of it. Xianite ran to them like a cheetah and Alysanne followed after her. Dianite threw the spell and as it in slow motion Xianite stood in front of Daemian. It hit her right in the heart. "Never," she shouted. She started to morph, roots were coming out of her. She turned into a tree with the darkest kind of shade of purple you'd ever seen bark, and white, glowing leaves. At the bottom of the tree was Xianite's body standing with her right hand out made of bark. "Nooooooo!" Daemian shouted.

Alysanne grabbed a stone and threw it at Dianite. The other person grabbed the stone and crushed it in hiss hand. "You dare assault the great and powerful Dianite," he shouted. "Furia, calm down," Dianite said coldly. Daemian was sitting on the ground. "Grab the boy," Dianite demanded. "Stay away from me," Daemian mumbled. Furia walked over to him. " I said STAY AWAY FROM ME!" he shouted, his voice reverberating through the land. Furia was thrown onto his back. Dianite grabbed the two of them and teleported them away. 'Goodbye mother' Daemian thought on his way to his prison.

Xianite woke up in a dark cavern with water dripping from the ceiling. In her hands was a chisel and hammer. She felt like her heart had been ripped out of her. She started chiseling the stone creating a smaller version of the world. Carving little stone figures that came to life when it touched the stone world. "Daemian and Alysanne; you'll need all the luck you need to survive Dianite's prison," she whispered. Exhausted, she went to sleep.

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