Chapter V: Alysanne

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The years went by and Daemian became quite a powerful sorcerer. Everytime Ianite came over to visit; Xianite would send him to the basement. The basement was lovely and cozy. It had a bed, a stove that had a fire that could burn for hours on end. And the strangest thing of all was a snooker table. Most of the time Daemian just plays with the snooker table whenever he's down there.

One day, Xianite told him able him being a Forsaken and some other stuff. After that he went out into the woods to do some rituals because he was still a sorcerer in training. On his way to the ring of stones, he heard a girl scream. Startled, he ran as fast as he could to save whoever was in trouble. He ran until he saw a girl running from some Keepers of Balance. (The fancy name Ianite gave her guards) "Well this is a first thought" Daemian. He ran after the guards and drew his sword. He took the guards by surprise and slayed them right there and then. The girl looked behind her and stopped running.

"Oh my god, thank you so much," she panted. The girl had short brown hair with white-blonde hair at the end of her fringe, goggles lying across the top of her head, green eyes and her cloths looked very steampunky. "No problem... well that's the first time I ever killed someone," Daemian replied. "Really? Well my name's Alysanne," she said gleefully. "My name's Daemian. Pleased to meet you," he said giving her a handshake.

"So Alysanne, why were you running away from some of Ianite's guards?" he asked, "Those two guards were hunting for Forsaken and stumbled upon me, they didn't think I was a Forsaken. They just called me a trespasser and started the chase," she explained. "Are you a Forsaken?" He asked slowly. She looked around to see if anyone was around. "Yes, yes I am." She said quietly. "Really? Well that makes two of us," he said. "Well I gathered as much you were a Forsaken." "How did you know?" "Well the horns and eyes are a dead give away." "Oh, well I'm guessing you're an apprentice metal smith." "That I am, Daemian. One day I'll become a master smith and make a giant metal dragon." She opened her handbag and got a crumpled sheet of paper out of it. When she uncrumpled the paper, she showed it to him. "Nice drawing, have you thought of a name?" Thanks. Hmmm, I was thinking of Paul." "No one would expect a name like that for a dragon." "Yeah, like if you go into a castle you would say, 'Go Paul! Burn it down!' and people would look at you weirdly and think you're mad." "Ha ha ha, yeah."

"So what are you doing out in the forest?" She asked him. "Well I was going to the ring of stones to do a magical ritual because my mam wanted me to do more of my studies and she wanted me to bring my work back so... yeah" "So you're a sorcerer in training then?" "Yeah, do you want to see the ritual?" "Yes please," she said ecstatically. With that said they walked to the ring of stones.

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