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Draco's POV

I sit next to Pansy Parkinson whom I've been going with since the 5th year. Blaise, Goyle and I begin to discuss what we've been doing this summer, while Pansy plays with my hair.
"What have you been up to Malfoy?" Pansy says slowly still focussing on my hair.

I think back on my traumatizing home life with my depressed mother and imprisoned father. I try to hide my dark thoughts and play it off as if nothing's wrong.
"Ah not much, just planning out hexes to perform on the first years" I say cooly.
My friends laugh and Pansy plants a wet kiss on my neck. Pansy has been hopelessly in love with me since we started dating. I like this girl, I just don't know how to show it. It makes me come off as a jerk.

I glance out the window and I'm beginning to see Hogwarts. As nervous as I am, I'm ready for the year. Blaise and Goyle leave early to get their baggage before anyone else, leaving Pansy and I. She slides closer to me and whispers in my ear, "I've missed you Malfoy" she says seductively. I kiss her, and I kiss her hard. I hope she accepts my response, she kisses me back pushing me against the window.


After a few minutes of sexual tension the train stops.

We get off and climb into the carriages pulled by Thestrals with a couple 3rd years to the castle. After the sorting McGonagall stands up. Silence fills the Great Hall.

"It is my absolute honor to see all of your faces back this school year. After the Battle very little hope was left. But with just a shred of hope comes success. We are all here today. All thanks to none other than The Chosen One, Mr. Harry Potter" applause fills the room. I scoff as Potter smiles and and nods to his friends. "All right settle down" McGonagall continues. "Before we begin our feast I'd like to recognize those whom we have lost" My breathing quickens. The people she is about to list are dead because of me, because of my father, because of my people, the death eaters. I nervously rub my mark underneath my robe.

"Professor Albus Dumbledore,
Professor Remus Lupin,
Nymphadora Lupin,
Fred Weasley,
Professor Severus Snape,
Colin Creevey,
Lavender Brown, "

The list goes on

I space off as she finishes the speech and then food appears on the tables. I begin to fill up my glass with pumpkin juice when I see this girl staring straight at me.

It's the Hufflepuff that ran into me on the train. Once I get a good look at her I realize she's pretty hot and I smirk at her until I realize that I'm still pouring juice and its spilling all over the table.

Ezra's POV

I'm sitting next to my boyfriend, Chase Matthews and my best friend Holly Channing. I was listening very intently to Headmistress McGonagall's speech once she began to list off the names I grabbed Chase's hand and spaced off, it hurt to be reminded of such a terrible event.

Chase whispered in my ear,
"I know something that can get your mind off of things" I, not realizing what he said, nodded.

Suddenly I realize that I'm staring. Staring at him, the rude guy from the train. He notices too and he gives me a smirk, I giggle as he's pouring juice all over himself. He looked confused then looked at his overflowing glass. I turned away and began to focus on the food.

  I leave the feast early wanting to get a head start on unpacking before class begins tomorrow morning. I tell Holly that I'll see her later. Chase leaves with me.
No one was there we got to the Hufflepuff common room.
"The rest of the house won't be here for at least an hour" Chase says while eyeing me up and down.
I nod not knowing what to say.

He very suddenly pushes me to the cobblestone wall and begins to kiss my neck roughly. I can feel his hips grinding into mine. I try and shove him off. "I really don't have time for this." I say.
"Oh come on babe lets just have a little fun. I haven't seen you since June." He says in between trying to get his tongue in my mouth. 
"Chase stop" I say trying to sound bold.
He ceases grinding but continues to roughly kiss me. I give in.
We are interrupted when a first year walks in on us.
He looks pretty freaked out. I laugh yet Chase looks pretty pissed. With his jaw locked he sternly tells the kid to beat it and the boy quickly scrambles up to his dormitory.
I turn to Chase and kiss him one last time and say goodnight. He looks pretty bummed that I'm turning in so early but I have to be ready for class tomorrow.

Draco's POV

After that embarrassing moment in the Great Hall with the Hufflepuff she leaves with a guy I recognized as Chase Matthews, captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and a total dick.

Once dinner was over Blaise and I left for the dungeons to go to our house.
"So how's it going with you and Parkinson?" Blaise asks
"I don't know" I say shortly
"Oh please, she's all over you"
"Yeah so"
"Come on Malfoy, get a grip." Blaise says sounding annoyed.
"I don't need a grip can you just try to focus less on me and my girlfriend and more on getting one for yourself!" I shout. I immediately regret it soon after the last words escaped my mouth.
"Sorry man, I'm gonna go up to bed. See ya in potions I guess." He says

He goes up and I crash onto a black leather couch and I gaze at the emerald fire place.

I felt guilty for shouting at Blaise. He's my best friend and he was only trying to help I guess.

I was only sensitive about it because I'm not ready for the level that Pansy wants to take. I mean I'm ready. But it doesn't feel right. But it should, she's my girlfriend.

"Damn it" I groan loudly and make my way up to bed as the other Slytherins entered the common room.

Blaise was already sleeping. I take my shirt off and lay in my bed.

Why does it not feel right with Pansy. I wonder as I drift off to sleep.

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