Repairing the Damage

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Draco's POV

I wake up around six thirty. I get out of bed and make my way over to my trunk where my schedule lays on top. I scan over it. Yes! A free period after lunch.

I look over to Blaise's bed to see if he was up but the bed was empty. I make my way down to the Slytherin common room and the place was slightly less crowed than usual. Since the war most people have long been forgiven but most of my house didn't return for the final year due to the War.
I look around a bit and Blaise still wasn't there so I go down to the Great Hall for breakfast hoping to catch up and apologize to him.

Ezra's POV

As I was piling eggs and toast on my plate, a pair of large warm arms slide around my waist. I smile and look over at my beautiful tan, dark haired, brown eyed boyfriend, Chase. He kisses me softly on the cheek then joins me and my friends for breakfast.

As they were discussing Quidditch practices and tryouts I eat and look around the hall. There he was again, that blonde boy. We don't make eye contact, as he's far too engaged in him and his friends discussion. I try not to stare but every now and then he'll look up and I get lost in dark grey eyes.

Wait. Why'd he stop talking. And why is he staring straight at me. Damnit.

I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks as I look down and eat the rest of my breakfast. I'm too scared to look and see if he's still watching me. Chase turns to me and asks if everything is alright, "yeah it's great I just need to get to class soon" I say quickly. "Ez, it's only 7 we have another 45 minutes." He responds trying to get me to stay. "I just have to leave" I say standing up. Chase roughly grabs my arm as I'm turning away from the table. I look towards him and try to free my arm from his grasp,
"Chase please stop" I say.
"Ezra sit down and finish breakfast" he tells me sternly.
" I need to go. Please. Let me go!"

Chase continues to hold my arm leaving it red. I glance around and nearly the entire hall is staring at Chase and I. I give up and sit back down.
"See, was that so hard?" Chase says
My friends give me a look that says that they are sorry but I just give them a small smile. I take a piece of toast and nibble on it while my group continues to talk. I look at my arm and I see a bright red outline of my boyfriend's hand. I rub it to make the pain go away. Once again I look to the boy with the platinum hair and the metallic eyes. He's looking at me. He looks mad. Are his friends talking about a hateful subject? Is he stressed? Could he possibly be upset about Chase's behavior towards me? No of course not. He hardly knows me. So why would be be concerned about me.

I try to stop thinking about Draco. But it's sooo hard. There's something about him.

Chase gets up and looks down at me. "Okay now let's go" he says. Not wanting to start another scene I follow after him. He puts his arms around my waist and leads me out of the Great Hall. I turn to wave goodbye to my friends. I glance up to where Draco is sitting and he is watching Chase and I exit. Our eyes are connected.

Chase turns to me grabs my butt and plants a wet kiss on my lips. I'm still looking at Malfoy but he turns away.
Chase's tongue is begging for an entrance into my mouth.

Again not wanting him to get upset with me I let him in. I just close my eyes and wait for it all too end. Once it does, I say that I really need to go and I go straight to my class without turning back.
My morning began with my favorite class, charms. I'm not all to great at the subject but the lessons are so enchanting and well magical. The whole process of it is so amazing. None of my friends are in the class so it's not distracting. It's a very relaxing setting.

Once the bell rang I raced to my next class to avoid any confrontation with Chase or my friends. My friends will only drown me in "oh Chase didn't mean to hurt you!" "Oh your arm isn't even that bad" I don't need any of that right now. I can handle Chase. He's a good guy but this year he's strange, very dominate and very controlling.

Hopefully he'll get better by the end of the term. Until then we'll have to see. A lot could change in 4 and a half months.

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